assembl.lib.frontend_urls module

Defines the existing frontend routes so the Pyramid router can pass them along.

class assembl.lib.frontend_urls.FrontendUrls(discussion)[source]

Bases: object

The set of FrontendUrls.

frontend_admin_routes = {'admin_global_preferences': '/global_preferences'}

The list of frontend discussion routes.

Important: This should match with Router() Used by assembl.views.discussion.views.home_view(), these routes will all give the same view and further routing will happen in the frontend.

frontend_discussion_routes = {'about': '/about', 'account': '/user/account', 'admin_discusion_idea_pub_flow': '/idea_pub_flow', 'admin_discussion_permissions': '/permissions', 'admin_discussion_preferences': '/discussion_preferences', 'edition': '/edition', 'groupSpec': '/G/*remainder', 'import': '/import', 'notifications': '/notifications', 'partners': '/partners', 'profile': '/user/profile', 'purl_idea': '/idea*remainder', 'purl_posts': '/posts*remainder', 'purl_user': '/profile*remainder', 'purl_widget': '/widget*remainder', 'sentrytest': '/sentrytest', 'timeline': '/timeline', 'tos': '/user/tos', 'user_discussion_preferences': '/user/discussion_preferences', 'user_notifications': '/user/notifications'}

The list of frontend discussion routes.

Important: This should match with Router() Used by assembl.views.discussion.views.home_view(), these routes will all give the same view and further routing will happen in the frontend.


TODO: Give an actual subscription URL