Writing tests


IdeaLoom makes use of both backend and front-end testing technologies in order to conduct tests. However, historically, the project suffered from the lack of adoption of modern testing patterns such as TDD or BDD. As a result, it did not become developer culture to create tests for every new business logic added. Thankfully, the testing pipeline is fully developed for TDD based testing to be written by developers.


IdeaLoom takes advantage of modern javascript testing frameworks in order to run front-end tests. The front-end test runner is the Mocha framework. It is understood that Mocha was chosen solely because it allows for the test reporter to be set to Nyan Cat colors. Mocha is initalized on IdeaLoom start-up in assembl/templates/tests/index.jinja2.

Firstly, Mocha is loaded in the tests/index.jinja2 by:

<script src="assembl/static/js/bower/mocha/mocha.js"></script>

And then instantiated and initialized, Mocha is initalized as such:

<script> mocha.setup('bdd') </script>
<script src="../js/build/tests/specs.js"></script>
<script> mocha.run() </script>

The tests/specs.js is the complete test file, built by Gulp, described below. Mocha allows for any style of tests to be written. It is up to the developer to decide how many suites they wish to write. Currently, these are the test suites (specs) written are:

  • Context
  • Langstring
    • Testing the front-end langstring logic

  • Models
    • Testing Backbone.Model logic

  • Objects
    • Testing javascript Objects that are hosted in the /js/app/objects/ directory

  • Routes
    • Testing the app.router module

  • Utils
    • Testing the modules in the /js/app/utils directory

  • Views
    • Testing the Backbone.View objects that are housed in the /js/app/views/ directory

All tests exist in the /static/js/app/tests/ directory with the pattern:


Mocha Example

Mocha allows for nested spec descriptions (test suites). An example of a synchronous Mocha test is:

describe("Test Spec name followed by callback that defines the suite", function(){

    //The specific test
    it("Name of the test case followed by function that is the test itself", function(){

        //..A well thought out test case with an assestion

As most test cases include a setUp and a tearDown, below is a complete example a single test with setUp and tearDown:

describe("Test Spec name followed by callback that defines the suite", function(){

    var globalVar;

    //Run before each test case
        globalVar = 'nyan';

    //Run after each test case
        globalVar = null;

    //The specific test
    it("Name of the test case followed by function that is the test itself", function(){

        //..A well thought out test case with an assestion
        assert.isEqual(globalVar, 'nyan');


Mocha also allows for asynchronous testing, specifically promisified test cases. As IdeaLoom heavily uses Bluebird promises, it would be ideal to use an assertion library that supports assertion. Mocha already allows for asynchronous testing (refer to Mocha documentation).

A well known and compatible promise-based assertion library is the Chai as Promised, which should be added to IdeaLoom’s package.json once a developer writes asynchronous tests.


Javascript allows for many different kinds of assertions. One of the popular packages used by developers (in 2014) was Chai. Chai allows for different styles of assertions.

They include BDD style assertions, which has been sprinkled throughout the currently written specs

var expect = require('chai').expect,
    value = 1;


Or TDD style assertions, which are closer to the traditional J-unit style assertions.

var assert = require('chai').assert,
    value = 1;

assert.isNumber(value, "Value is a number");
assert.isOK(value, "This should pass");


This is not yet implemented. However, the recommended mocking libary is Sinon. Sinon allows for natural and simple stubs to be created of core objects which can then be easily tested. Refer to the Sinon documentation for stubs on how to convert a jQuery ajax method into a stub. This can be used heavily to override an XmlHttpRequest to a server. This, along with fixtures can be used to test the front-end functionality.


Front-end fixtures currently exist in the /js/app/tests/fixtures directory. Currently they are hand-written json files that describe different objects as represented from the back-end. This is fragile and inefficient. Developers are currently working on adding fixtures from the backend as json files to be consumed by front-end tests.


IdeaLoom’s front-end tests are divided into multiples files in the js/app/tests directory. However, they are served to a single file. This is thanks to a the gulp process build:test which is used to bundle the tests. This means that Browserify can be used in the testing process as well.

How to Run

Front-end tests can be run for each discussion in the /test API point. For example, the mocha tests can be run on the browser at the location:


Currently, there is no command-line tool to run the tests on the CLI. This is currently in the works to be added.


Back-end testing is carried out via py.test Python library. It acts as both the test runner and the fixture generator. Pytest allows for a level of flexibility in writing tests that the regular Python unittest library simply doesn’t have. It allows to write tests similarly to unittest allows, with a TestCase class created with multiple test_methods written inside.

IdeaLoom uses py.test’s fixture’s in order to mock objects for testing.


IdeaLoom fixtures are defined in the /assembl/tests/fixtures/ directory. Fixtures can be divided into multiple files for ease of use.

The fixtures are read into the py.test test-runner by the use of the conftest.py. All fixtures are loaded into the runner by importing them. Here is an example of loading langstring fixtures:

from assembl.tests.fixtures.langstring import *

When creating new fixture files, you must include them in the conftest.py, otherwise they will not be available to the test runner.

How To Write A Fixture

Writing test fixtures in IdeaLoom is extremely simple. Within the fixture folder, in either a new file or an existing one, simply create a function with the py.test fixture decorator, like such:

def your_new_fixture(dependent_fixture):

In the example above, the dependent_fixture is a previously written fixture. The fixture can exist in either the same file or another; it matters not. The fixtures are not run from that particular file. They are all loaded into the conftest namespace.

Core Fixtures

IdeaLoom has several core fixtures that are important to note, in order to run them.

  • default_db_data
    • A fixture that is rarely explicitly called in a test, however, is vital for successfully running back-end tests. It is responsible for bootstrapping the test database, creating the tables necessary based on the latest models, building the relationships and constraints, etc. Without this fixture, back-end tests could not be done.

  • test_session
    • Arguably the most important fixture to know. test_session is the database session fixture. It can be used to query the database, push new models, etc. It is an SQLAlchemy session maker. A test_session depends on a default_db_data

  • test_server
    • A uWSGI server fixture that refers to an IdeaLoom instance

  • test_app
    • An IdeaLoom instance fixture, built on WebTest’s TestApp testing tool. This fixture builds on test_app_no_perm and gives the admin_user fixture administrative permissions, based on Pyramid’s authorization policy. User this fixture to make API calls, as it best mocks an IdeaLoom interface

  • admin_user
    • A user fixture that has administrative priveledges

  • test_adminuser_webrequest
    • A Pyramid GET request to “/”, built on WebTest’s TestRequest, that includes an admin_user as its authenticated_user_id.

  • browser
    • A browser fixture that is built on top of Splinter for integration testing. This specific fixture is bound to the phantom.js driver. To create a different, use this fixture as a template for creating other drivers. Splinter’s has explicit documentation of different driver usages.

For more information regarding testing a Pyramid application, see the Pyramid Documentation on testing. IdeaLoom uses WebTest to conduct it’s integration testing of a Pyramid application.

Authentication Token From Email

This is a simple tutorial for sections that are not documented well. In order to test authentication tokens sent to newly registered users, or users who have forgotten their passwords, the following steps will simplify your job. It is hardly an automated process, but it is useful to have this knowledge.

First, uncomment the following line from your local.ini file

# mail.port = 8025

This will enable you to use a debugging server. Open a new terminal.

source venv/bin/activate
python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer

Outgoing emails will be viewable in the terminal. To test it, run a local assembl instance.

source venv/bin/activate
circusd circusd.conf
circusctl start pserve webpack

Enter the login page, and choose the option “Forgot my password”. Enter your username or email, assuming that you already have an account in your local Assembl instance. Submit. You should now see the outbound email in your DebuggingServer terminal. In the plaintext section of the email, copy the URL sent to change the password. This URL must, in fact, be altered. Here is a the mapping:

"=" => line-break
"%3D" => "="

Replacing those characters, you should have a URL like the following

