Example debate fixture¶
This example debate was created to serve as an example in UI mockups, specifications, etc. It is designed to show a maximum of corner cases in a debate that is as short as possible. It was created in a role playing game caricaturing well known public figures in Québec.
Flow of messages:
Lines are the threading of the messages, as would be seen in a mail client supporting threading
The number at the begining of the line is the actual chronological order of the messages
Brackets fragments of text tagged by the catcher to identify concepts.
[FragmentId: original text fragment]
1- Harper says: Let's [A:lower taxes] to [B:favor economic growth].
2- |-Khadir says: [E:You will put everyone out of a job]!
| |
17- | |-Late participant says: That makes no sense, why would that make anyone lose his job?
| |
18- | |-Syndicalist says: With [H: lower government revenue], the [I: government will be forced to cut jobs].
3- |-Mulcair says: Lowering taxes is a terrible idea!
| |
5- | |-Typical Quebecker: Jack Layton was a nice guy, he's dead.
| | |
6- | | |-Animator: And what did he think of of [M:lowering taxes]?
| | |
7- | | |-Typical Quebecker: He was against it.
| | |
11- | | |-Animator: Why?
| | |
12- | | |-Typical Quebecker: I don't know...
| | |
13- | | |-Animator: But you agree with him on that?
| | |
14- | | |-Typical Quebecker: Yes!
4- |-Suzuki says: [B:Economic growth] will mean [C:more resource consumption], and that's [D:bad for the environment].
8- |-Krugman says: [In a recession], [F:austerity] is actually [G:contractionary].
9- |-Animator: Huh? Not sure I follow you...
| |
10- | |-Krugman: Lowering taxes causes austerity, which reduces economic activity.
| |
15- | |-Syndicalist says: [J:People loose their job]!
| |
16- | |-Québec city talk radio says: Union workers are all lazy bums, good riddance!
19- |-Suzuki says: Maybe, but with the most severe [N: cuts in environmental programs], it's still [K:no good for the environment].
20- |-Harper says: [L:Federal environmental programs are ineffective] and a waste of money.
A resulting debate map (lazy catcher):
A: Lower taxes
|-> B:favor economic growth
| |-> C:more resource consumption
| |-> D:bad for the environment
|-> E:you will put everyone out of a job
|-> F:austerity
| |-> G:economic contraction
| |-> J:People loose their job
| |-> K:no good for the environment
|-> L:Federal environmental programs are ineffective
|-> H:lower government revenue
|-> I:government will be forced to cut jobs
A different resulting debate map (duplicates removed):
A: Lower taxes
|-> B:favor economic growth
| |-> C:more resource consumption
| |-> bad for environment [D:bad for the environment|K:no good for the environment]
|-> L:Federal environmental programs are ineffective
|-> H:lower government revenue
|-> F:austerity
|-> G:economic contraction
|-> job loss (I:government will be forced to cut jobs|E:you will put everyone out of a job|J:People loose their job)
|-> bad for environment [D:bad for the environment|K:no good for the environment] ... (canonical tree is above)
What posts would be displayed if a participant clicks “job loss” in the debate map above:
2- ... Khadir says [E:you will put everyone out of a job]
17- |-Late participant says: That makes no sense, why would that make anyone lose his job?
18- |-Syndicalist says: With [H: lower government revenue], the [I: government will be forced to cut jobs]
15- ... Syndicalist says: [J:People loose their job]!
16- |-Québec city talk radio says: Union workers are all lazy bums, good ridance!
Alternative 2: This is the version in the fixtures, with thread-breaking links to posts 5 and 16.
1 Favor economic growth [B, M, -16, -5]
1_1 Lower taxes [A]
1_1_1 Lower government revenue [H]
1_1_1_1 Austerity yields contraction [F, G, -16]
1_1_1_1_1 Job loss [I, J, -16]
1_1_1_1_2 Environmental program cuts [N]
1_1_1_1_2_1 Bad for the environment [K]
1_1_1_1_2_2 Federal programs are ineffective [L]
1_2 Increased reseource consumption [C, -16]
1_2_1 Bad for the environment [D, -16]