Piwik Reporting API¶
Reference: http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/reporting-api
This API allows for data to be collected, queried, and pivoted. The fundamental components needed to for an api call are:
host: piwik.coeus.ca
idSite: found under Administration/Websites for each individual website that the piwik server manages analytics on
authToken: found under Administration/Users for each user
format: data stream can be returned in many formats: HTML, JSON, XML, PHP code, CSV, RSS
period: the period of concern, eg.
(note, YYYY-MM-DD)special keywords: day, week, month, year, range
date: the date of concern (note, YYYY-MM-DD)
today, yesterday
lastX, eg.
segment: allows to query subset of data using advanced queries Read more about it here: http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/reporting-api-segmentation
For visual elements, use the ImageGraph module
API signature:
ImageGraph.get(idSite, period, date, apiModule, apiAction, graphType = '', outputType = '0', columns = '', labels = '', showLegend = '1', width = '', height = '', fontSize = '9', legendFontSize = '', aliasedGraph = '1', idGoal = '', colors = '', textColor = '222222', backgroundColor = 'FFFFFF', gridColor = 'CCCCCC', idSubtable = '', legendAppendMetric = '1', segment = '')
Eg. from piwik demo site:
Note, module=API is usually the case
method = method signiature from documentation
apiModule = Module Name
apiAction = Action Name
TODO: Find the html snipplet on dashboard to export already existing piwik widgets to an iframe