Source code for assembl.tasks

"""Background tasks for running IdeaLoom.

Tasks are kept running by Circus_.
Short-lived tasks are written as Celery_ tasks; long-running tasks are
mostly ad hoc at this point: the :py:mod:`source_reader`
and :py:mod:`changes_router`.

.. _Circus:
.. _Celery:
from __future__ import absolute_import

from future import standard_library
from os import getcwd
from os.path import join, dirname, realpath, exists
import logging
import configparser

from pyramid.paster import get_appsettings
from pyramid.path import DottedNameResolver
from datetime import timedelta
from celery import Celery
from pyramid_mailer import mailer_factory_from_settings

from ..lib.sqla import configure_engine
from ..lib.zmqlib import configure_zmq
from ..lib.raven_client import setup_raven
from ..lib.config import get, set_config
from zope.component import getGlobalSiteManager
from ..lib.model_watcher import configure_model_watcher
from ..lib.logging import getLogger

_settings = None
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
resolver = DottedNameResolver(__package__)

def configure(registry, task_name):
    global _settings, celery
    from .threaded_model_watcher import configure_threaded_watcher
    settings = registry.settings
    if _settings is None:
        _settings = settings
    # temporary solution
    configure_model_watcher(registry, task_name)
    region = get('aws_region', 'us-east-1')
    config = {
        "task_serializer": 'json',
        "task_acks_late": True,
        "cache_backend": settings.get('', ''),
        "result_backend": settings.get('', ''),
        "task_store_errors_even_if_ignored": True,
        "broker_transport_options": {'region': region},
    config['broker_url'] = settings.get('')
    celery.config_from_object(config, force=True)

    'resend-every-10-minutes': {
        'task': 'assembl.tasks.notify.process_pending_notifications',
        'schedule': timedelta(seconds=600),
        'options': {
            'routing_key': 'notify',
            'exchange': 'notify'

# Minimum delay between emails sent to a domain.
# For this to work, you need to have a SINGLE celery process for notification.
    '': timedelta(0)

# INI file values with this prefix will be used to populate SMTP_DOMAIN_DELAYS.
# Anything after the last dot is a domain name (including empty).
# Use seconds (float) as values.
SETTINGS_SMTP_DELAY = "celery_tasks.notify.smtp_delay."

[docs]class CeleryWithConfig(Celery): "A Celery task that can receive settings" _preconf = { "CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE": CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE } def on_configure(self): global _settings if _settings is None: # i.e. includeme not called, i.e. not from pyramid self.init_from_celery() def init_from_celery(self): # A task is called through celery, so it may not have basic # configuration setup. Go through that setup the first time. global _settings, SMTP_DOMAIN_DELAYS rootdir = getcwd() settings_file = join(rootdir, 'local.ini') if not exists(settings_file): settings_file = join(rootdir, 'production.ini') if not exists(settings_file): rootdir = dirname(dirname(dirname(realpath(__file__)))) settings_file = join(rootdir, 'local.ini') if not exists(settings_file): settings_file = join(rootdir, 'production.ini') if not exists(settings_file): raise RuntimeError("Missing settings file") _settings = settings = get_appsettings(settings_file, 'idealoom') configure_zmq(settings['changes_socket'], False) config = configparser.SafeConfigParser() registry = getGlobalSiteManager() registry.settings = settings setup_raven(settings, settings_file, celery=True) set_config(settings) configure_engine(settings, True) if settings.get('celery_tasks_debug_signal', False): from assembl.lib import signals signals.listen() configure(registry, 'celery_tasks') from .threaded_model_watcher import ThreadDispatcher threaded_watcher_class_name = settings.get( 'celery_tasks.threadedmodelwatcher', "assembl.lib.model_watcher.BaseModelEventWatcher") ThreadDispatcher.mw_class = resolver.resolve( threaded_watcher_class_name) self.mailer = mailer_factory_from_settings(settings) # setup SETTINGS_SMTP_DELAY for name, val in settings.items(): if name.startswith(SETTINGS_SMTP_DELAY): try: val = timedelta(seconds=float(val)) except ValueError: log.error("Not a valid value for %s: %s" % (name, val)) continue SMTP_DOMAIN_DELAYS[name[len(SETTINGS_SMTP_DELAY):]] = val getLogger().info("SMTP_DOMAIN_DELAYS", delays=SMTP_DOMAIN_DELAYS) import assembl.tasks.imap import assembl.tasks.notify import assembl.tasks.notification_dispatch import assembl.tasks.translate
celery = CeleryWithConfig('celery_tasks') def includeme(config): global _settings _settings = config.registry.settings config.include('.threaded_model_watcher') configure(config.registry, 'assembl') config.include('.source_reader')