#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Generate various secondary INI files from the main INI file. """
from __future__ import print_function
from future import standard_library
from future.utils import bytes_to_native_str
import sys
import os
import io
from os.path import exists, dirname, abspath, join, realpath
from configparser import (NoSectionError, NoOptionError, ConfigParser)
from argparse import ArgumentParser, FileType
import logging
from future.utils import string_types
import locale
from ..fabfile import combine_rc, code_root, venv_path, filter_global_names, fill_template
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_CTYPE, "UTF-8")
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_CTYPE, "C.UTF-8")
log = logging.getLogger('assembl')
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.DEBUG)
# Case sensitive options
ConfigParser.optionxform = lambda self, option: option
local_code_root = dirname(dirname(realpath(__file__)))
SECTION = 'app:idealoom'
RANDOM_FILE = 'random.ini'
# The defaults allow to set sensible values and not edit all the local.ini
# files. Err towards conservative production values.
# If something SHOULD be defined, assert its presence later on.
# TODO: Subclass ConfigParser to give a warning whenever a value
# is taken from the defaults.
# TODO: check encoding?
# Define either the first or all others.
'celery_tasks.broker': '',
'celery_tasks.imap.broker': '',
'celery_tasks.notification_dispatch.broker': '',
'celery_tasks.notify.broker': '',
'celery_tasks.translate.broker': '',
# num_workers: These are production values
'celery_tasks.imap.num_workers': '1',
'celery_tasks.notification_dispatch.num_workers': '1',
'celery_tasks.notify.num_workers': '2',
'celery_tasks.translate.num_workers': '2',
# Sensible defaults
'autostart_celery': 'true',
'autostart_flower': 'false',
'autostart_celery_notify_beat': 'true',
'autostart_source_reader': 'true',
'autostart_changes_router': 'true',
'autostart_oembed_router': 'true',
'autostart_pserve': 'false',
'autostart_webpack': 'false',
'autostart_uwsgi': 'false',
'autostart_metrics_server': 'false',
'autostart_edgesense_server': 'false',
'flower_port': '5555',
'circus_log_size': '1048576', # ~1Mb
'circus_log_backups': '3',
'instance_name': 'idealoom',
def find_ini_file(fname, *locs):
if exists(fname):
return fname
locs = list(locs)
locs.append(join(local_code_root, 'configs'))
for loc in locs:
name = join(loc, fname)
if exists(name):
return name
[docs]def asParser(fob, interpolation=None):
"""ConfigParser from a .ini filename or open file object. Idempotent."""
if isinstance(fob, ConfigParser):
return fob
if interpolation is True:
parser = ConfigParser()
parser = ConfigParser(interpolation=interpolation)
if isinstance(fob, string_types):
fob2 = find_ini_file(fob)
assert fob2, "Cannot find " + fob
return parser
[docs]def ensureSection(config, section):
"""Ensure that config has that section"""
if section.lower() != 'default' and not config.has_section(section):
[docs]def generate_ini_files(config, config_fname):
"""Generate the circusd.conf from its template and .ini file."""
# TODO: Use .rc file instead of .ini file.
def get_default(key, default=None, section=SECTION):
if config.has_option(section, key):
return config.get(section, key)
return default
metrics_code_dir = config.get('metrics', 'metrics_code_dir')
metrics_cl = config.get('metrics', 'metrics_cl')
has_metrics_server = (
metrics_code_dir and exists(metrics_code_dir) and
except NoSectionError:
has_metrics_server = False
metrics_cl = '/bin/ls' # innocuous
metrics_code_dir = ''
edgesense_code_dir = config.get('edgesense', 'edgesense_code_dir')
edgesense_venv = config.get('edgesense', 'venv')
has_edgesense_server = (
edgesense_code_dir and exists(edgesense_code_dir) and
edgesense_venv, 'bin', 'edgesense_catalyst_server')))
edgesense_venv_directive = 'virtualenv = '+edgesense_venv
except NoSectionError:
has_edgesense_server = False
edgesense_venv = '/tmp' # innocuous
edgesense_code_dir = ''
if not has_edgesense_server:
edgesense_venv_directive = ''
celery_broker = config.get(
SECTION, 'celery_tasks.broker')
secure = config.getboolean(SECTION, 'require_secure_connection')
public_hostname = config.get(SECTION, 'public_hostname')
url = "http%s://%s" % ('s' if secure else '', public_hostname)
port = config.getint(SECTION, 'public_port')
# default_port = 443 if secure else 80
# if port != default_port:
if port not in (80, 443):
url += ':' + str(port)
if secure and port == 80:
# old misconfiguration
port = 443
webpack_port = int(get_default('webpack_port', 8080))
webpack_host = get_default('webpack_host', public_hostname)
webpack_url = "http://%s:%d" % (webpack_host, webpack_port)
here = dirname(abspath('circusd.conf'))
log_dir = join(here, 'var', 'log')
vars = {
'CELERY_BROKER': celery_broker,
'CELERY_NUM_WORKERS': config.get(
SECTION, 'celery_tasks.num_workers'),
'instance_name': config.get(SECTION, 'instance_name'),
'here': here,
'log_dir': log_dir,
'CONFIG_FILE': config_fname,
'metrics_code_dir': metrics_code_dir,
'metrics_cl': metrics_cl,
'circus_statsd': config.get('circus', 'use_statsd'),
'lcctype': config.get(SECTION, 'lcctype'),
'chaussette_port': int(config.get('circus', 'chaussette_port')),
'edgesense_venv': edgesense_venv_directive,
'VIRTUAL_ENV': os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV'],
'edgesense_code_dir': edgesense_code_dir,
'WEBPACK_URL': webpack_url,
'server_port': config.getint('server:main', 'port'),
'oembed_port': config.getint('app:idealoom', 'oembed_port'),
'code_root': config.get(SECTION, 'code_root'),
'flower_port': get_default('flower_port', 5555),
for procname in (
# 'edgesense',
name = 'autostart_' + procname
if procname == 'metrics_py':
name = 'autostart_metrics'
autostart = config.get('circus', name)
if procname == 'edgesense':
autostart = autostart and has_edgesense_server
elif procname == 'metrics':
autostart = autostart and has_metrics_server
vars[name] = autostart
for component in ('size', 'backups'):
for stream in ('err', 'out'):
name0 = 'circus_log_' + component
name1 = '_'.join((name0, procname))
name = '_'.join((name1, stream))
val = config.get('circus', name)
except NoOptionError:
val = config.get('circus', name1)
except NoOptionError:
# Fallbacks to value from DEFAULTS
val = config.get('circus', name0)
vars[name] = val
for fname in ('circusd.conf',):
templateloc = join(local_code_root, 'templates', 'system', fname + '.tmpl')
with open(templateloc) as tmpl, open(fname, 'w') as inifile:
inifile.write(tmpl.read() % vars)
[docs]def combine_ini(config, overlay, adding=True):
"""Overlay values of the second ini file on the first.
Returns a ConfigParser object
If adding is false, only existing values will be replaced.
config = asParser(config)
overlay = asParser(overlay)
for section in overlay.sections():
# Avoid including DEFAULTSECT
for key in overlay._sections[section]:
value = overlay.get(section, key)
if adding or config.has_option(section, key):
ensureSection(config, section)
config.set(section, key, value)
if overlay._defaults:
return config
[docs]def migrate_beaker_config(random_ini, overlay):
"""Migrate old-style session... to beaker.session..."""
PREFIX = "beaker."
for section in random_ini.sections():
# Avoid including DEFAULTSECT
if not overlay.has_section(section):
o_section = overlay._sections[section]
for key in random_ini._sections[section]:
if key.startswith(PREFIX):
old_key = key[len(PREFIX):]
if old_key in o_section and key not in o_section:
overlay.set(section, key, overlay.get(section, old_key))
elif key == 'session.secret':
alt_key = 'beaker.' + key
if alt_key in o_section and key not in o_section:
overlay.set(section, key, overlay.get(section, alt_key))
return overlay
[docs]def dump(ini_file):
"""Dump the ini file, showing interpolations and errors."""
ini_file = asParser(ini_file, True)
ini_file._defaults['here'] = os.getcwd()
for section in ini_file.sections():
print("\n[%s]\n" % section)
for option in ini_file._sections[section]:
print(option, '=', end=' ')
print(ini_file.get(section, option))
except Exception as e:
print(ini_file.get(section, option, True))
print("*"*15, "Could not interpolate")
[docs]def populate_random(random_file, random_templates=None, saml_info=None):
"""Populate random.ini
Create missing random values according to the template
Do not change existing values"""
from base64 import b64encode
from os import urandom
from assembl.auth.make_saml import (
make_saml_key, make_saml_cert, cleanup_x509_text)
base = ConfigParser(interpolation=None)
assert random_templates, "Please give one or more templates"
for template in random_templates:
if (not exists(template)):
template = join(local_code_root, 'templates', 'system', template)
assert exists(template), "Cannot find template " + template
existing = ConfigParser(interpolation=None)
if exists(random_file):
combine_ini(base, existing)
saml_keys = {}
changed = False
for section in base.sections():
for key, value in base.items(section):
keyu = key.upper()
# too much knowdledge, but hard to avoid
if "SAML" in keyu and keyu.endswith("_PRIVATE_KEY"):
prefix = keyu[:-12]
if value == "{saml_key}":
saml_key_text, saml_key = make_saml_key()
saml_key_text = cleanup_x509_text(saml_key_text)
base.set(section, key, saml_key_text)
saml_keys[prefix] = saml_key
changed = True
saml_keys[prefix] = value
elif value.startswith('{random') and value.endswith("}"):
size = int(value[7:-1])
assert 0 < size < 100
value = bytes_to_native_str(b64encode(urandom(size)))
base.set(section, key, value)
changed = True
# Do certs in second pass, to be sure keys are set
for section in base.sections():
for key, value in base.items(section):
keyu = key.upper()
if ("SAML" in keyu and keyu.endswith("_PUBLIC_CERT") and
value == '{saml_cert}'):
assert saml_info
prefix = keyu[:-12]
# If key is not there, it IS a mismatch and and error.
saml_key = saml_keys[prefix]
saml_cert_text, _ = make_saml_cert(saml_key, **saml_info)
saml_cert_text = cleanup_x509_text(saml_cert_text)
base.set(section, key, saml_cert_text)
changed = True
if changed:
with open(random_file, 'w') as f:
return base
[docs]def rc_to_ini(rc_info, default_section=SECTION):
"""Convert a .rc file to a ConfigParser (.ini-like object)
Items are assumed to be in app:idealoom section,
unless prefixed by "{section}__" .
Keys prefixed with an underscore are not passed on.
Keys prefixed with a star are put in the global (DEFAULT) section.
Value of '__delete_key__' is eliminated if existing.
p = ConfigParser(interpolation=None)
for key, val in rc_info.items():
if not key or key.startswith('_') or key is 'hosts':
if key[0] == '*':
# Global keys
section = "DEFAULT"
key = key[1:]
elif '__' in key:
section, key = key.split('__', 1)
section = default_section
ensureSection(p, section)
if val == '__delete_key__':
# Allow to remove a variable from rc
# so we can fall back to underlying ini
p.remove_option(section, key)
p.set(section, key, val)
return p
[docs]def iniconfig_to_rc(parser, dest=None, extends=None, target_dir=None):
"""Convert a ConfigParser to a .rc file.
That file is written to dest, or to a returned file-like object
extends specifies an extended ini file."""
from io import StringIO
if dest is None:
dest = StringIO()
if extends:
if target_dir is not None:
target_dir = os.path.abspath(target_dir)
extends_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(extends))
extends = os.path.join(os.path.relpath(extends_dir, target_dir),
dest.write("_extends = %s\n" % (extends,))
for section in parser.sections():
if section == SECTION:
prefix = ''
prefix = section + '__'
for key, value in parser.items(section):
if '\n' in value:
log.warning("avoid multiline values in RC: %s=%s" % (key, value))
value = ' '.join(value.split('\n'))
dest.write("%s%s = %s\n" % (prefix, key, value))
if hasattr(dest, 'seek'):
return dest
[docs]def diff_ini(first, second, diff=None, existing_only=False):
"""Diff ini files
Generate a parser with any value in the second that is different in the first.
Returns a ConfigParser.
Takes interpolation into account. Does not include values that disappeared."""
from configparser import _Chainmap
first = asParser(first)
second = asParser(second)
# TODO: Look at first both in raw and formatted versions
diff = diff or ConfigParser(interpolation=None)
interpolating = ConfigParser()
for section in second.sections():
if section != 'DEFAULT' and not first.has_section(section):
if not existing_only:
for option in second.options(section):
value = second.get(section, option)
diff.set(section, option, value)
vars = _Chainmap(second._sections[section], first._sections[section], second._defaults, first._defaults)
for option, value2 in second.items(section):
if not first.has_option(section, option):
if not existing_only:
ensureSection(diff, section)
diff.set(section, option, value2)
value1 = first.get(section, option)
if value1 != value2 and '%(' in value1:
# try to interpolate, and see if it would amount to the same.
value1 = interpolating._interpolate(section, option, value1, vars)
except Exception as e:
if value1 != value2:
ensureSection(diff, section)
diff.set(section, option, value2)
return diff
[docs]def compose(rc_filename, random_file=None):
"""Compose local.ini from the given .rc file"""
rc_info = combine_rc(rc_filename)
rc_info['*code_root'] = code_root(rc_info)
# Special case: uwsgi does not do internal computations.
rc_info['uwsgi__virtualenv'] = venv_path(rc_info)
ini_sequence = rc_info.get('ini_files', None)
assert ini_sequence, "Define ini_files"
ini_sequence = ini_sequence.split()
base = ConfigParser(interpolation=None)
random_file = random_file or rc_info.get('random_file', RANDOM_FILE)
for overlay in ini_sequence:
if overlay == 'RC_DATA':
overlay = rc_to_ini(rc_info)
elif overlay.startswith('RANDOM'):
templates = overlay.split(':')[1:]
overlay = populate_random(
random_file, templates, extract_saml_info(rc_info))
overlay = find_ini_file(overlay, dirname(rc_filename))
assert overlay, "Cannot find " + overlay
combine_ini(base, overlay)
return base
def extract_random_templates(ini_files):
ini_files = ini_files or ''
random = [f for f in ini_files.split() if f.startswith("RANDOM")]
if random:
assert len(random) == 1, "Only a single random element in ini_files"
return random[0].split(":")[1:]
return []
[docs]def migrate(rc_filename, expected_ini, random_file=None, target_dir=None):
"""Create a overlay.rc file from the local.ini and a base .rc file"""
expected_ini = asParser(expected_ini)
rc_data = combine_rc(rc_filename)
ini_files = rc_data.get('ini_files', None)
random_file = random_file or rc_data.get('random_file', RANDOM_FILE)
templates = extract_random_templates(ini_files)
if templates:
random_data = populate_random(
random_file, templates, extract_saml_info(rc_data))
migrate_beaker_config(random_data, expected_ini)
random_data = combine_ini(random_data, expected_ini, False)
with open(random_file, 'w') as f:
random_file = None
base = compose(rc_filename, random_file)
diff = diff_ini(base, expected_ini)
return iniconfig_to_rc(diff, extends=rc_filename, target_dir=target_dir)
def write_parser(parser, dest=None):
if dest is None:
with io.open(dest, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as destf:
def main():
parser = ArgumentParser(prog=os.path.basename(__file__))
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='command', title="subcommands")
def short_help(fn):
return fn.__doc__.split('\n')[0]
# ini populate
parser_populate = subparsers.add_parser(
'populate', help=short_help(generate_ini_files))
help='The source ini file')
# ini combine
parser_combine = subparsers.add_parser(
'combine', help=short_help(combine_ini))
parser_combine.add_argument('--output', '-o', default=None,
help='The output file')
parser_combine.add_argument('input', type=FileType('r'), nargs='+',
help='Input ini files')
# ini compose
parser_compose = subparsers.add_parser('compose', help=short_help(compose))
parser_compose.add_argument('--output', '-o', default=None,
help='The output file')
parser_compose.add_argument('--random', '-r', help='random.ini file',
parser_compose.add_argument('input', help='Input rc file')
# ini migrate
parser_migrate = subparsers.add_parser(
'migrate', help=short_help(migrate))
parser_migrate.add_argument('--output', '-o', default=None,
help='The output file')
'--ini', '-i', type=FileType('r'), default=None,
help="INI file we're migrating, usually local.ini")
parser_migrate.add_argument('--random', '-r', default=None,
help='file where random values will be stored,'
' and fetched if existing',)
parser_migrate.add_argument('rc', help='Base rc file')
# random.ini
parser_random = subparsers.add_parser(
'random', help=short_help(populate_random))
parser_random.add_argument('--random', '-r', help='random.ini file',
parser_random.add_argument('--output', '-o', default=None,
help='The output file')
parser_random.add_argument('--template', '-t', help='random template files',
action='append', default=[])
parser_random.add_argument('input', help='Input rc file (for saml)')
# dump .ini
parser_dump = subparsers.add_parser(
'dump', help=short_help(dump))
parser_dump.add_argument('ini', help='Input ini file')
# ini diff
parser_diff = subparsers.add_parser('diff', help=short_help(diff_ini))
parser_diff.add_argument('--output', '-o', default=None,
help='The output file')
'--existing_only', '-e', action="store_true", default=False,
help='Only show changes to keys existing in first file')
parser_diff.add_argument('base', type=FileType('r'),
help='Base ini file')
parser_diff.add_argument('second', type=FileType('r'),
help='Second ini file')
# template from rc file
parser_random = subparsers.add_parser(
'template', help=short_help(populate_random))
parser_random.add_argument('--output', '-o', type=FileType('w'),
default=sys.stdout, help='The output file')
parser_random.add_argument('input', help='Input rc file')
parser_random.add_argument('template', help='template file (python or jinja2)')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.command == 'populate':
config = ConfigParser(defaults=DEFAULTS)
generate_ini_files(config, args.config)
elif args.command == 'combine':
base = asParser(args.input[0])
for overlay in args.input[1:]:
combine_ini(base, overlay)
write_parser(base, args.output)
elif args.command == 'random':
rc_info = combine_rc(args.input)
random_file = args.random or rc_info.get('random_file', RANDOM_FILE)
templates = args.template or extract_random_templates(
rc_info.get('ini_files', ''))
random = populate_random(
random_file, templates, extract_saml_info(rc_info))
write_parser(random, args.output)
elif args.command == 'compose':
ini_info = compose(args.input, args.random)
write_parser(ini_info, args.output)
elif args.command == 'migrate':
ini_file = args.ini
if ini_file is None:
ini_file = asParser('local.ini')
ini_file = asParser(ini_file)
target_dir = os.path.dirname(args.output) if args.output else None
rc_file = migrate(args.rc, ini_file, args.random, target_dir=target_dir)
if args.output:
with io.open(args.output, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as output:
elif args.command == 'diff':
diff = diff_ini(args.base, args.second,
write_parser(diff, args.output)
if args.command == 'dump':
if args.command == 'template':
rc_info = filter_global_names(combine_rc(args.input))
fill_template(args.template, rc_info, args.output)
if __name__ == '__main__':