Ordering objects of a data set to obtain the clustering structure
x - data set (m,n); m-objects, n-variables
min_points - number of objects in a neighborhood of the selected object
(minimal number of objects considered as a cluster)
RD - vector with reachability distances (m,1)
CD - vector with core distances (m,1)
order - vector specifying the order of objects (1,m)
Example of use:
x=[randn(30,2)*.4;randn(40,2)*.5+ones(40,1)*[4 4]];
[1] M. Ankrest, M. Breunig, H. Kriegel, J. Sander,
OPTICS: Ordering Points To Identify the Clustering Structure,
available from www.dbs.informatik.uni-muenchen.de/cgi-bin/papers?query=--CO
[2] M. Daszykowski, B. Walczak, D.L. Massart, Looking for natural
patterns in analytical data. Part 2. Tracing local density
with OPTICS, J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 42 (2002) 500-507
Written by Michal Daszykowski
Department of Chemometrics, Institute of Chemistry,
The University of Silesia
December 2004
Core algorithm ported to python Jan, 2009 by Brian H. Clowers,
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
bhclowers at gmail.com
Dependencies include numpy, scipy (formerly hcluster, now in scipy)
Extraction section written by Marc-Antoine Parent
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from future.utils import as_native_str
from past.builtins import cmp
from builtins import range
from builtins import object
import numpy as N
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import pairwise_distances
[docs]class Interval(object):
"""A closed integer interval"""
__slots__ = ('start', 'end')
def __init__(self, start, end):
assert start <= end
self.start = start
self.end = end
def __repr__(self):
return "[%d, %d]" % (self.start, self.end)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.start) + hash(self.end)
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.start > other.start and self.end < other.end
def __le__(self, other):
return self.start >= other.start and self.end <= other.end
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.start == other.start and self.end == other.end
def __ne__(self, other):
return self.start != other.start and self.end != other.end
def __gt__(self, other):
return self.start < other.start and self.end > other.end
def __ge__(self, other):
return self.start <= other.start and self.end >= other.end
def __len__(self):
return self.end - self.start + 1
def as_slice(self):
return slice(self.start, self.end + 1)
def __contains__(self, i):
return self.start <= i <= self.end
def base_cmp(cls, a, b):
x = cmp(a.start, b.start)
return x if x != 0 else -cmp(a.end, b.end)
[docs]class Dendrogram(object):
"""Nested intervals corresponding to clusters"""
# __slots__ = ("cluster", "subclusters", "parent")
def __init__(self, cluster, parent=None):
self.cluster = cluster
self.subclusters = []
self.parent = parent
def pprint(self, level=0):
print(" "*level, self.cluster)
for s in self.subclusters:
def containing(self, pos):
if pos not in self.cluster:
return None
for cl in self.subclusters:
cl = cl.containing(pos)
if cl:
return cl
return self
def find_cluster(self, interval):
if interval == self.cluster:
return self
if interval.start not in self.cluster \
or interval.end not in self.cluster:
return None
for sub in self.subclusters:
tail = sub.find_cluster(interval)
if tail is not None:
return tail
return None
[docs]def euclid(i, x):
"""euclidean(i, x) -> euclidean distance between x and y"""
y = N.zeros_like(x)
y += 1
y *= i
if len(x) != len(y):
raise ValueError("vectors must be same length")
d = (x-y)**2
return N.sqrt(N.sum(d, axis=1))
[docs]class Optics(object):
"""A calculation using the optics algorithm."""
def __init__(self, min_points=4, distMethod='cosine'):
self.min_points = min_points
self.distMethod = distMethod
self.RD = None
def calculate_distances(self, x, D=None):
if len(x.shape) > 1:
m, n = x.shape
m = x.shape[0]
n == 1
D = D if D is not None else pairwise_distances(x, metric=self.distMethod)
self.CD = CD = N.zeros(m)
self.RD = RD = N.ones(m)*1E10
for i in range(m):
# again you can use the euclid function if you don't want scipy
# d = euclid(x[i],x)
# d.sort()
# CD[i] = d[min_points]
tempInd = D[i].argsort()
tempD = D[i][tempInd]
# tempD.sort() no, this function changes the reference
CD[i] = tempD[self.min_points] # **2
self.order = order = []
seeds = N.arange(m, dtype=N.int)
ind = 0
while len(seeds) != 1:
# for seed in seeds:
ob = seeds[ind]
seedInd = N.where(seeds != ob)
seeds = seeds[seedInd]
tempX = N.ones(len(seeds))*CD[ob]
tempD = D[ob][seeds] # [seeds]
# you can use this function if you don't want to use scipy
# tempD = euclid(x[ob],x[seeds])
temp = N.column_stack((tempX, tempD))
mm = N.max(temp, axis=1)
ii = N.where(RD[seeds] > mm)[0]
RD[seeds[ii]] = mm[ii]
ind = N.argmin(RD[seeds])
RD[0] = 0 # we set this point to 0 as it does not get overwritten
# negative distance is a disaster
RD = N.maximum(RD, 0)
self.RDO = RD[order]
def up_point(self, i):
RD = self.RDO
if not (0 < i < len(RD)-1):
return False
return RD[i] < RD[i+1] * (1-self.eps)
def down_point(self, i):
RD = self.RDO
if not (0 < i < len(RD)-1):
return False
return RD[i] * (1-self.eps) > RD[i+1]
def steep_up_area(self, ivl):
RD = self.RDO
if not (self.up_point(ivl.start) and self.up_point(ivl.end)):
return False
consecutive = 0
for i in range(ivl.start, ivl.end):
if not RD[i+1] >= RD[i]:
return False
if self.up_point(i):
consecutive = 0
consecutive += 1
if consecutive >= self.min_points:
return False
return True
def max_steep_up_area(self, i):
RD = self.RDO
if not self.up_point(i):
return None
start, end = i, i
start_val = RD[start]
for i in range(start - 1, 0, -1):
if RD[i] > start_val:
start_val = RD[i]
if self.up_point(i) and self.steep_up_area(Interval(i, end)):
start = i
end_val = RD[end]
for i in range(end, len(RD)):
if RD[i] < end_val:
end_val = RD[i]
if self.up_point(i) and self.steep_up_area(Interval(start, i)):
end = i
return Interval(start, end)
def steep_down_area(self, ivl):
RD = self.RDO
if not (self.down_point(ivl.start) and self.down_point(ivl.end)):
return False
consecutive = 0
for i in range(ivl.start, ivl.end):
if not RD[i+1] <= RD[i]:
return False
if self.down_point(i):
consecutive = 0
consecutive += 1
if consecutive >= self.min_points:
return False
return True
def max_steep_down_area(self, i):
RD = self.RDO
if not self.down_point(i):
return None
start, end = i, i
start_val = RD[start]
for i in range(start - 1, 0, -1):
if RD[i] < start_val:
start_val = RD[i]
if self.down_point(i) and self.steep_down_area(Interval(i, end)):
start = i
end_val = RD[end]
for i in range(end, len(RD)):
if RD[i] > end_val:
end_val = RD[i]
if self.down_point(i) and self.steep_down_area(Interval(start, i)):
end = i
return Interval(start, end)
def is_start_of_steep_down(self, i):
RD = self.RDO
if not self.down_point(i):
return None
if i > 0 and self.down_point(i-1) and RD[i-1] >= RD[i]:
return None
ivl = self.max_steep_down_area(i)
if ivl is None:
return None
if ivl.start != i:
return None
return ivl
def is_start_of_steep_up(self, i):
RD = self.RDO
if not self.up_point(i):
return None
if i > 0 and self.up_point(i-1) and RD[i-1] <= RD[i]:
return None
ivl = self.max_steep_up_area(i)
if ivl is None:
return None
if ivl.start != i:
return None
return ivl
def cluster_boundary(self, down_area, up_area):
RD = self.RDO
eps = self.eps
start = down_area.start
end1 = up_area.end+1
endv = RD[end1]
if RD[down_area.start] * (1-eps) >= endv:
for i in range(down_area.end, down_area.start-1, -1):
if RD[i] > endv:
return Interval(i, end1-1)
startv = RD[start]
if endv*(1-eps) >= startv:
for i in range(up_area.start, up_area.end+1):
if RD[i] < startv:
return Interval(start, i)
return Interval(start, end1-1)
def is_valid_cluster(self, cluster, down_area=None, up_area=None):
RD = self.RDO
start, end = cluster.start, cluster.end
if end - start < self.min_points:
return False
cluster_edge = min(RD[start], RD[end+1]) * (1-self.eps)
max_val = N.amax(RD[start+1:end])
if max_val > cluster_edge:
return False
if down_area:
if not (down_area.start <= start <= down_area.end):
return False
if up_area:
if not (up_area.start <= end <= up_area.end):
return False
return True
def as_cluster(self, down_area, up_area):
cluster = self.cluster_boundary(down_area, up_area)
if self.is_valid_cluster(cluster, down_area, up_area):
return cluster
def extract_clusters(self, x=None, eps=0.05, D=None):
self.eps = eps
if x is not None:
self.calculate_distances(x, D=D)
assert self.RD is not None, "You must provide a vector first"
RD = self.RDO
steep_down_areas = {}
clusters = []
index = 0
mib = 0
index = 0
while index < len(RD):
mib = max(mib, RD[index])
ivl = self.is_start_of_steep_down(index)
if ivl is not None:
for a in list(steep_down_areas.keys()):
if RD[a.start] * (1-eps) < mib:
# print "removing ", a
del steep_down_areas[a]
steep_down_areas[a] = max(steep_down_areas[a], RD[index])
# print "adding ", ivl
steep_down_areas[ivl] = 0
index = ivl.end + 1
mib = RD[index]
ivl = self.is_start_of_steep_up(index)
if ivl is not None:
for a in list(steep_down_areas.keys()):
if RD[a.start] * (1-eps) < mib:
# print "removing ", a
del steep_down_areas[a]
steep_down_areas[a] = max(steep_down_areas[a], RD[index])
cutoff = RD[ivl.end+1] * (1-eps)
for a in steep_down_areas:
if steep_down_areas[a] <= cutoff:
# print 'trying', a, ivl
cluster = self.as_cluster(a, ivl)
if cluster:
index = ivl.end + 1
mib = RD[index]
index += 1
return clusters
def as_dendrogram(self, clusters):
clusters = sorted(clusters, Interval.base_cmp)
base = Dendrogram(Interval(0, len(self.RD)))
last = base
for cluster in clusters:
check = last
while check:
if cluster <= check.cluster:
check.subclusters.append(Dendrogram(cluster, check))
last = check.subclusters[-1]
# assert cluster.start >= check.cluster.end
check = check.parent
assert False
return base
def cluster_as_ids(self, cluster):
return self.order[cluster.as_slice()]
def cluster_depth(self, cluster):
RD = self.RDO
down_area = self.max_steep_down_area(cluster.start)
up_area = self.max_steep_up_area(cluster.end)
return int(N.amax(RD[down_area.end+1:up_area.start+1]) / max(
RD[cluster.start], RD[cluster.end+1]))
def as_labels(self, clusters):
labels = N.zeros(len(self.RD), dtype=N.int)
for n in range(len(clusters), 0, -1):
cluster = clusters[n-1]
for pos in range(cluster.start, cluster.end):
labels[self.order[pos]] = n
return labels
if __name__ == "__main__":
import pylab as P
testX = N.array(
[[15., 70.],
[31., 87.],
[45., 32.],
[5., 8.],
[73., 9.],
[32., 83.],
[26., 50.],
[7., 31.],
[43., 97.],
[97., 9.]])
# mlabOrder = N.array(1,2,6,7,3,8,9,4,5,10)
# the order returned by the original MATLAB code
# Remeber MATLAB counts from 1, python from 0
P.plot(testX[:, 0], testX[:, 1], 'ro')
RD, CD, order = optics(testX, 4)
testXOrdered = testX[order]
P.plot(testXOrdered[:, 0], testXOrdered[:, 1], 'b-')