Source code for assembl.models.votes

"""Models for voting on ideas"""
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from builtins import range
from abc import abstractproperty, abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime
import simplejson as json
import math
from collections import defaultdict
from csv import DictWriter

from sqlalchemy import (
    Column, Integer, ForeignKey, Boolean, String, Float, DateTime, Unicode,
    Text, and_, UniqueConstraint)
from sqlalchemy.sql import functions
from sqlalchemy.orm import (relationship, backref, joinedload, aliased)
from pyramid.settings import asbool

from . import (Base, DiscussionBoundBase, HistoryMixinWithOrigin)
from import abstractclassmethod
from ..lib.sqla import DuplicateHandling
from ..lib.sqla_types import URLString
from .discussion import Discussion
from .idea import Idea, AppendingVisitor
from .auth import AgentProfile
from ..auth import CrudPermissions, P_VOTE, P_SYSADMIN, P_ADMIN_DISC, P_READ
from ..semantic.virtuoso_mapping import QuadMapPatternS
from ..semantic.namespaces import (VOTE, ASSEMBL, DCTERMS, QUADNAMES)
from ..views.traversal import (
    AbstractCollectionDefinition, collection_creation_side_effects,
from .langstrings import LangString

[docs]class AbstractVoteSpecification(DiscussionBoundBase): """The representation of a way to vote on an idea. There can be more than one VoteSpecification in a Question, as in the case of a 2-D widget.""" __tablename__ = "vote_specification" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) type = Column(String(60), nullable=False) __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'abstract_vote_specification', 'polymorphic_on': 'type', 'with_polymorphic': '*' } widget_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey( ""), nullable=False, index=True) "Used by a voting widget" criterion_idea_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, # ondelete="SET NULL", onupdate="CASCADE"), WIP nullable=True, index=True) "Optional: the specification may be tied to an idea" question_id = Column(Integer, nullable=True) "Group vote specifications in questions." "The question is a front-end object." settings = Column(Text) # JSON blob widget = relationship( "VotingWidget", backref=backref( "vote_specifications", cascade="all, delete-orphan")) criterion_idea = relationship( Idea, backref="criterion_for") retypeable_as = ("LickertRange", "BinaryVoteSpecification", "MultipleChoiceVoteSpecification", "TokenVoteSpecification", "ResourceVoteSpecification",)
[docs] def populate_from_context(self, context): if not(self.widget or self.widget_id): from .widgets import VotingWidget self.widget = context.get_instance_of_class(VotingWidget) if not(self.criterion_idea or self.criterion_idea_id): self.criterion_idea = context.get_instance_of_class(Idea) super(AbstractVoteSpecification, self).populate_from_context(context)
@classmethod def __declare_last__(cls): from .widgets import Widget if getattr(cls, 'discussion', None) is None: cls.discussion = relationship( Discussion, viewonly=True, uselist=False, secondary=Widget.__table__) def get_default_parent_context(self, request=None, user_id=None): return self.widget.get_collection_context( 'vote_specifications', request=request, user_id=user_id)
[docs] def container_url(self): return "/data/Discussion/%d/widgets/$d/vote_specifications" % ( self.get_discussion_id(), self.widget_id)
## # TODO (MAP): # These and several functions that return a hard-encoded 'local' should # be migrated away from hard-encoding. The Widget APIs are supposed to be # self contained, and they do not hit the CIF defintion in the process. def get_voting_urls(self): return { Idea.uri_generic( 'local:Conversation/%d/widgets/%d/vote_specifications/%d/vote_targets/%d/votes' % ( votable.discussion_id, self.widget_id,, for votable in self.widget.votable_ideas } def get_generic_voting_url(self): return 'local:Conversation/%d/widgets/%d/vote_specifications/%d/votes' % ( self.get_discussion_id(), self.widget_id, def get_vote_results_url(self): return 'local:Conversation/%d/widgets/%d/vote_specifications/%d/vote_results' % ( self.widget.discussion_id, self.widget_id, # Do we want an URL to get the vote result on a specific spec+target combination? @abstractmethod def results_for(self, voting_results, histogram_size=None): return { "n": len(voting_results) } def _gather_results(self): vote_cls = self.get_vote_class() voting_results = self.db.query(vote_cls).filter_by(, tombstone_date=None) by_idea = defaultdict(list) for vote in voting_results: by_idea[vote.idea_id].append(vote) return by_idea def voting_results(self, histogram_size=None): by_idea = self._gather_results() results = { Idea.uri_generic(votable_id): self.results_for(voting_results, histogram_size) for (votable_id, voting_results) in by_idea.items() } results["n_voters"] = self.db.query( getattr(self.get_vote_class(), "voter_id")).filter_by(, tombstone_date=None).distinct().count() return results @abstractmethod def csv_results(self, csv_file): pass
[docs] def votes_of_current_user(self): "CAN ONLY BE CALLED FROM API V2" from ..auth.util import get_current_user_id user_id = get_current_user_id() if user_id is not None: return self.votes_of(user_id)
def votes_of(self, user_id): return self.db.query(AbstractIdeaVote).filter_by(, tombstone_date=None, voter_id=user_id).all() @classmethod def extra_collections(cls): from .widgets import ( VotedIdeaWidgetLink, VotingWidget, VotableIdeaWidgetLink) class VoteTargetsCollection(AbstractCollectionDefinition): # The set of voting target ideas. # Fake: There is no DB link here. def __init__(self, cls): super(VoteTargetsCollection, self).__init__( cls, 'vote_targets', Idea) def decorate_query( self, query, owner_alias, last_alias, parent_instance, ctx): # TODO : Why did this work? # return query.filter( # last_alias.discussion_id == parent_instance.discussion_id # ).filter(last_alias.hidden==False) spec_alias = owner_alias widget = ctx.get_instance_of_class(VotingWidget) widget_alias = aliased(VotingWidget) votable_link_alias = aliased(VotableIdeaWidgetLink) idea_alias = last_alias return query.join( votable_link_alias, votable_link_alias.idea_id == ).join( widget_alias, ( == votable_link_alias.widget_id) & ( == ).join( spec_alias, == ) def contains(self, parent_instance, instance): return isinstance(instance, Idea) @collection_creation_side_effects.register( inst_ctx=AbstractIdeaVote, ctx='AbstractVoteSpecification.vote_targets') def add_voted_widget_link(inst_ctx, ctx): idea_ctx = inst_ctx.get_instance_ctx_of_class(Idea) assert idea_ctx yield InstanceContext( idea_ctx['has_voted_links'], VotedIdeaWidgetLink( widget=ctx.get_instance_of_class(VotingWidget), idea=inst_ctx._instance.idea)) return (VoteTargetsCollection(cls),) @abstractclassmethod def get_vote_class(cls): pass @classmethod def get_vote_classname(cls): return cls.get_vote_class().external_typename() def is_valid_vote(self, vote): return issubclass(vote.__class__, self.get_vote_class()) @property def settings_json(self): if self.settings: return json.loads(self.settings) return {} @settings_json.setter def settings_json(self, val): self.settings = json.dumps(val)
[docs] def get_discussion_id(self): from .widgets import Widget widget = self.widget if self.widget_id and not widget: widget = Widget.get(self.widget_id) if widget: return widget.get_discussion_id()
[docs] @classmethod def get_discussion_conditions(cls, discussion_id, alias_maker=None): from .widgets import VotingWidget return ((cls.widget_id ==, (VotingWidget.discussion_id == discussion_id))
crud_permissions = CrudPermissions(P_ADMIN_DISC, P_READ)
def empty_matrix(size, dim): if dim == 0: return 0 if dim == 1: # shortcut return [0] * size return [empty_matrix(size, dim-1) for i in range(size)]
[docs]class TokenVoteSpecification(AbstractVoteSpecification): __tablename__ = "token_vote_specification" __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'token_vote_specification' } id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey(, primary_key=True) exclusive_categories = Column(Boolean, default=False) def results_for(self, voting_results, histogram_size=None): sums = defaultdict(int) nums = defaultdict(int) for v in voting_results: sums[v.token_category_id] += v.vote_value nums[v.token_category_id] += 1 specs = { spec.typename for spec in self.token_categories} sums = {specs[id]: total for (id, total) in sums.items()} nums = {specs[id]: total for (id, total) in nums.items()} return { "n": len(voting_results), "nums": nums, "sums": sums } def csv_results(self, csv_file, histogram_size=None): specs = self.token_categories names_from_type = { spec.typename: for spec in specs } spec_names = list(names_from_type.values()) spec_names.sort() spec_names.insert(0, "idea") dw = DictWriter(csv_file, spec_names, dialect='excel', delimiter=';') dw.writeheader() by_idea = self._gather_results() values = { votable_id: self.results_for(voting_results) for (votable_id, voting_results) in by_idea.items() } idea_names = dict(self.db.query(, Idea.short_title).filter( ordered_idea_ids = Idea.visit_idea_ids_depth_first( AppendingVisitor(), self.get_discussion_id()) ordered_idea_ids = [id for id in ordered_idea_ids if id in values] for idea_id in ordered_idea_ids: base = values[idea_id] sums = {names_from_type[k]: v for (k, v) in base['sums'].items()} sums['idea'] = idea_names[idea_id] dw.writerow(sums) @classmethod def get_vote_class(cls): return TokenIdeaVote def is_valid_vote(self, vote): if not issubclass(vote.__class__, self.get_vote_class()): return False if vote.token_category: return vote.token_category.is_valid_vote(vote) else: return True # TODO: post-validate
[docs]class TokenCategorySpecification(DiscussionBoundBase): "This represents a token type, with its constraints" __tablename__ = "token_category_specification" __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint( 'token_vote_specification_id', 'typename'),) id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) total_number = Column(Integer, nullable=False) maximum_per_idea = Column(Integer) name_ls_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, nullable=False, index=True) typename = Column(String, nullable=False, doc='categories which have the same typename will be comparable (example: "positive")') image = Column(URLString) image_empty = Column(URLString) token_vote_specification_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey(, ondelete='CASCADE', onupdate='CASCADE'), nullable=False, index=True) token_vote_specification = relationship( TokenVoteSpecification, foreign_keys=(token_vote_specification_id,), backref=backref("token_categories", cascade="all, delete-orphan")) name = relationship( LangString, foreign_keys=(name_ls_id,), backref=backref("name_of_token_category", lazy="dynamic"), single_parent=True, lazy="joined", cascade="all, delete-orphan") color = Column(String(25)) def vote_range(self): return (0, self.maximum_per_idea)
[docs] def get_discussion_id(self): tvs = self.token_vote_specification or TokenVoteSpecification.get(self.token_vote_specification_id) return tvs.get_discussion_id()
[docs] def container_url(self): return "/data/Discussion/%d/widgets/%d/vote_specifications/%d/token_categories" % ( self.get_discussion_id(), self.token_vote_specification.widget_id, self.token_vote_specification_id)
def get_default_parent_context(self, request=None, user_id=None): return self.token_vote_specification.get_collection_context( 'token_categories', request=request, user_id=user_id) def is_valid_vote(self, vote): if vote.vote_value < 0: return False if self.maximum_per_idea > 0 and vote.vote_value > self.maximum_per_idea: return False (total,) = self.db.query(functions.sum(TokenIdeaVote.vote_value)).filter( TokenIdeaVote.token_category_id ==, TokenIdeaVote.voter_id == vote.voter_id, TokenIdeaVote.tombstone_date == None ).first() if total > self.total_number: return False return True
[docs] @classmethod def get_discussion_conditions(cls, discussion_id, alias_maker=None): from .widgets import VotingWidget if alias_maker is None: tcs = cls tvs = TokenVoteSpecification widget = VotingWidget else: tcs = alias_maker.alias_from_class(cls) tvs = alias_maker.alias_from_relns(tcs.token_vote_specification) widget = alias_maker.alias_from_relns( tcs.token_vote_specification, tvs.widget) return ((tcs.token_vote_specification_id ==, (tvs.widget_id ==, (widget.discussion_id == discussion_id))
crud_permissions = CrudPermissions(P_ADMIN_DISC, P_READ)
LangString.setup_ownership_load_event(TokenCategorySpecification, ['name'])
[docs]class LickertVoteSpecification(AbstractVoteSpecification): __tablename__ = "lickert_vote_specification" __external_typename = "LickertRange" rdf_class = VOTE.LickertRange __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'lickert_vote_specification' } id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey(, primary_key=True) minimum = Column(Integer, default=1, info={'rdf': QuadMapPatternS(None, VOTE.min)}) maximum = Column(Integer, default=10, info={'rdf': QuadMapPatternS(None, VOTE.max)}) @classmethod def get_vote_class(cls): return LickertIdeaVote def vote_range(self): return (self.minimum, self.maximum) def voting_results(self, histogram_size=None): if self.question_id: group_specs = [vs for vs in self.widget.vote_specifications if vs.question_id == self.question_id and isinstance(vs, LickertVoteSpecification)] assert self in group_specs if len(group_specs) > 1: # arbitrary but constant order group_specs.sort(key=lambda s: base_results = { spec.uri(): super(LickertVoteSpecification, spec ).voting_results(histogram_size) for spec in group_specs } if histogram_size: self.joint_histogram( group_specs, histogram_size, base_results) print(base_results) return base_results return super(LickertVoteSpecification, self ).voting_results(histogram_size) @classmethod def joint_histogram( cls, group_specs, histogram_size, joint_histograms, votes_by_idea_user_spec=None): if votes_by_idea_user_spec is None: votes_by_idea_user_spec = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) for spec in group_specs: votes_by_idea = spec._gather_results() for idea_id, votes in votes_by_idea.items(): for vote in votes: votes_by_idea_user_spec[idea_id][ vote.voter_id][spec] = vote bin_sizes = { spec: float(spec.maximum - spec.minimum) / histogram_size for spec in group_specs } group_spec_ids = { for x in group_specs} group_signature = ",".join([spec.uri() for spec in group_specs]) joint_histograms[group_signature] = histograms_by_idea = {} sums = [0] * len(group_specs) sum_squares = [0] * len(group_specs) sum_prods = 0 for idea_id, votes_by_user_spec in votes_by_idea_user_spec.items(): histogram = empty_matrix(histogram_size, len(group_specs)) results = dict(histogram=histogram) histograms_by_idea[Idea.uri_generic(idea_id)] = results n = 0 for votes_by_spec in votes_by_user_spec.values(): spec_ids = { for spec in votes_by_spec} if group_spec_ids <= spec_ids: # only full n += 1 h = histogram prod = 1 for gn, spec in enumerate(group_specs): vote_val = votes_by_spec[spec].vote_value sums[gn] += vote_val sum_squares[gn] += vote_val*vote_val prod *= vote_val bin_num = int((vote_val - spec.minimum) / bin_sizes[spec]) bin_num = min(bin_num, histogram_size-1) bin_num = max(bin_num, 0) if gn == len(group_specs) - 1: h[bin_num] += 1 else: h = h[bin_num] sum_prods += prod results['n'] = n if len(group_specs) == 2 and n > 1: try: b1 = (sums[0] * sums[1] - n * sum_prods) / ( sums[0] * sums[0] - n * sum_squares[0]) b0 = (sums[1] - b1 * sums[0]) / n results['b0'] = b0 results['b1'] = b1 except ZeroDivisionError: pass if len(group_specs) > 2: # eliminate a dimension and recurse for n in range(len(group_specs)): sub_group_specs = group_specs[:n] + group_specs[n+1:] cls.joint_histogram( sub_group_specs, histogram_size, joint_histograms, votes_by_idea_user_spec) def results_for(self, voting_results, histogram_size=None): base = super(LickertVoteSpecification, self).results_for(voting_results) n = len(voting_results) avg = sum((r.vote_value for r in voting_results)) / n moment2 = sum((r.vote_value**2 for r in voting_results)) / n var = moment2 - avg**2 std_dev = math.sqrt(var) base.update(dict(avg=avg, std_dev=std_dev)) if histogram_size: histogram = [0] * histogram_size bin_size = (self.maximum - self.minimum) / histogram_size for vote in voting_results: bin_num = int((vote.vote_value - self.minimum) / bin_size) bin_num = min(bin_num, histogram_size-1) bin_num = max(bin_num, 0) histogram[bin_num] += 1 base['histogram'] = histogram return base def csv_results(self, csv_file, histogram_size=None): histogram_size = histogram_size or 10 bin_size = (self.maximum - self.minimum) / histogram_size bins = list(range(histogram_size)) bins.insert(0, "idea") bins.extend(["avg", "std_dev"]) dw = DictWriter(csv_file, bins, dialect='excel', delimiter=';') dw.writeheader() by_idea = self._gather_results() values = { votable_id: self.results_for(voting_results, histogram_size) for (votable_id, voting_results) in by_idea.items() } idea_names = dict(self.db.query(, Idea.short_title).filter( ordered_idea_ids = Idea.visit_idea_ids_depth_first( AppendingVisitor(), self.get_discussion_id()) ordered_idea_ids = [id for id in ordered_idea_ids if id in values] for idea_id in ordered_idea_ids: base = values[idea_id] r = dict(enumerate(base['histogram'])) r['idea'] = idea_names[idea_id] r['avg'] = base['avg'] r['std_dev'] = base['std_dev'] dw.writerow(r) def is_valid_vote(self, vote): if not super(LickertVoteSpecification, self).is_valid_vote(vote): return False return self.minimum <= vote.vote_value <= self.maximum
[docs]class ResourceVoteSpecification(AbstractVoteSpecification): __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'resource_vote_specification' } def results_for(self, voting_results, histogram_size=None): base = super(ResourceVoteSpecification, self).results_for(voting_results) base['total'] = sum([v.vote_value for v in voting_results]) return base def vote_range(self): from math import inf return (0, inf) def csv_results(self, csv_file): dw = DictWriter(csv_file, ["idea", "n", "total"], dialect='excel', delimiter=';') dw.writeheader() by_idea = self._gather_results() values = { votable_id: self.results_for(voting_results) for (votable_id, voting_results) in by_idea.items() } idea_names = dict(self.db.query(, Idea.short_title).filter( ordered_idea_ids = Idea.visit_idea_ids_depth_first( AppendingVisitor(), self.get_discussion_id()) ordered_idea_ids = [id for id in ordered_idea_ids if id in values] for idea_id in ordered_idea_ids: base = values[idea_id] r = { 'idea': idea_names[idea_id], 'n': base['n'], 'total': base['total'] } dw.writerow(r) @classmethod def get_vote_class(cls): return LickertIdeaVote
[docs]class BinaryVoteSpecification(AbstractVoteSpecification): __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'binary_vote_specification' } def results_for(self, voting_results, histogram_size=None): base = super(BinaryVoteSpecification, self).results_for(voting_results) n = len(voting_results) positive = len([r for r in voting_results if r.vote_value]) base["yes"] = positive base["no"] = n - positive return base def vote_range(self): return (0, 1) def csv_results(self, csv_file, histogram_size=None): dw = DictWriter(csv_file, ["idea", "yes", "no"], dialect='excel', delimiter=';') dw.writeheader() by_idea = self._gather_results() values = { votable_id: self.results_for(voting_results) for (votable_id, voting_results) in by_idea.items() } idea_names = dict(self.db.query(, Idea.short_title).filter( ordered_idea_ids = Idea.visit_idea_ids_depth_first( AppendingVisitor(), self.get_discussion_id()) ordered_idea_ids = [id for id in ordered_idea_ids if id in values] for idea_id in ordered_idea_ids: base = values[idea_id] r = { 'idea': idea_names[idea_id], 'yes': base['yes'], 'no': base['no'] } dw.writerow(r) @classmethod def get_vote_class(cls): return BinaryIdeaVote
[docs]class MultipleChoiceVoteSpecification(AbstractVoteSpecification): __tablename__ = "multiple_choice_vote_specification" __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'multiple_choice_vote_specification' } id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey(, primary_key=True) num_choices = Column(Integer, nullable=False) def vote_range(self): return (0, self.num_choices - 1) def results_for(self, voting_results, histogram_size=None): base = super( MultipleChoiceVoteSpecification, self).results_for(voting_results) by_result = defaultdict(int) for r in voting_results: by_result[r.vote_value] += 1 base['results'] = dict(by_result) return base def csv_results(self, csv_file, histogram_size=None): candidates = self.settings_json['candidates'] cols = candidates[:] cols.insert(0, "idea") dw = DictWriter(csv_file, cols, dialect='excel', delimiter=';') dw.writeheader() by_idea = self._gather_results() values = { votable_id: self.results_for(voting_results) for (votable_id, voting_results) in by_idea.items() } idea_names = dict(self.db.query(, Idea.short_title).filter( ordered_idea_ids = Idea.visit_idea_ids_depth_first( AppendingVisitor(), self.get_discussion_id()) ordered_idea_ids = [id for id in ordered_idea_ids if id in values] for idea_id in ordered_idea_ids: base = values[idea_id] r = {candidates[k]: n for (k, n) in base['results'].items()} r['idea'] = idea_names[idea_id] dw.writerow(r) @classmethod def get_vote_class(cls): return MultipleChoiceIdeaVote def is_valid_vote(self, vote): if not super(MultipleChoiceVoteSpecification, self).is_valid_vote(vote): return False return 0 <= vote.vote_value < self.num_choices
[docs]class AbstractIdeaVote(HistoryMixinWithOrigin, DiscussionBoundBase): __tablename__ = "idea_vote" type = Column(String(60), nullable=False) __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'idea_graph_view', 'polymorphic_on': 'type', 'with_polymorphic': '*' } idea_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey(, ondelete="CASCADE", onupdate="CASCADE"), nullable=False, index=True, info={'rdf': QuadMapPatternS(None, VOTE.subject_node)} ) idea_ts = relationship( Idea, foreign_keys=(idea_id,), backref=backref("votes_ts", cascade="all, delete-orphan")) idea = relationship( Idea, primaryjoin="and_( == AbstractIdeaVote.idea_id," "Idea.tombstone_date == None)", foreign_keys=(idea_id,), backref=backref( "votes", primaryjoin="and_( == AbstractIdeaVote.idea_id," "AbstractIdeaVote.tombstone_date == None)")) vote_spec_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey(, ondelete="CASCADE", onupdate="CASCADE"), nullable=False, index=True) vote_spec_ts = relationship( AbstractVoteSpecification, backref=backref("votes_ts", cascade="all, delete-orphan")) vote_spec = relationship( AbstractVoteSpecification, primaryjoin="", backref=backref( "votes", primaryjoin="and_(, " "AbstractIdeaVote.tombstone_date == None)", )) criterion_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey(, # ondelete="SET NULL", onupdate="CASCADE"), WIP nullable=True, index=True )
[docs] @classmethod def special_quad_patterns(cls, alias_maker, discussion_id): return [ QuadMapPatternS( cls.iri_class().apply(, VOTE.voting_criterion, Idea.iri_class().apply(cls.idea_id), name=QUADNAMES.voting_criterion, conditions=(cls.idea_id != None,)), ]
# This dies and becomes indirect through vote_spec criterion_ts = relationship( Idea, foreign_keys=(criterion_id,)) criterion = relationship( Idea, primaryjoin="and_( == AbstractIdeaVote.criterion_id," "Idea.tombstone_date == None)", foreign_keys=(criterion_id,), backref=backref( "votes_using_this_criterion", primaryjoin="and_( == AbstractIdeaVote.criterion_id," "AbstractIdeaVote.tombstone_date == None)", )) voter_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey(, ondelete="CASCADE", onupdate="CASCADE"), nullable=False, index=True, info={'rdf': QuadMapPatternS(None, VOTE.voter)} ) voter_ts = relationship( AgentProfile, backref=backref("votes_ts", cascade="all, delete-orphan")) voter = relationship( AgentProfile, primaryjoin="", backref=backref( "votes", primaryjoin="and_(, " "AbstractIdeaVote.tombstone_date == None)"))
[docs] def populate_from_context(self, context): if not(self.widget or self.widget_id): from .widgets import VotingWidget self.widget = context.get_instance_of_class(VotingWidget) if not(self.voter or self.voter_id): self.voter = context.get_instance_of_class(AgentProfile) if not(self.vote_spec or self.vote_spec_id): self.vote_spec = context.get_instance_of_class( AbstractVoteSpecification) if not(self.idea or self.idea_id): self.idea = context.get_instance_of_class(Idea) # Note: Criterion is not in context super(AbstractIdeaVote, self).populate_from_context(context)
[docs] def is_owner(self, user_id): return self.voter_id == user_id
[docs] @classmethod def restrict_to_owners_condition(cls, query, user_id, alias=None, alias_maker=None): if not alias: if alias_maker: alias = alias_maker.alias_from_class(cls) else: alias = cls return (query, alias.voter_id == user_id)
# Do we still need this? Can access through vote_spec widget_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE", onupdate="CASCADE"), nullable=False, index=True) widget = relationship( "VotingWidget", primaryjoin="", backref=backref( "votes", primaryjoin="and_(, " "AbstractIdeaVote.tombstone_date == None)")) widget_ts = relationship( "VotingWidget", backref=backref("votes_ts", cascade="all, delete-orphan"))
[docs] def get_discussion_id(self): idea = self.idea or self.idea_ts or Idea.get(self.idea_id) return idea.get_discussion_id()
[docs] def container_url(self): # Or stop at widget or spec? return "/data/Discussion/%d/widgets/%d/vote_specifications/%d/vote_targets/%d/votes" % ( self.get_discussion_id(), self.widget_id, self.vote_spec_id, self.idea_id)
def get_default_parent_context(self, request=None, user_id=None): return self.vote_spec_ts.get_collection_context( 'votes', request=request, user_id=user_id)
[docs] @classmethod def get_discussion_conditions(cls, discussion_id, alias_maker=None): return ((cls.idea_id ==, (Idea.discussion_id == discussion_id))
discussion = relationship( Discussion, viewonly=True, uselist=False, secondary=Idea.__table__, primaryjoin=(idea_id ==, info={'rdf': QuadMapPatternS(None, ASSEMBL.in_conversation)}) __external_typename = "IdeaVote" @abstractproperty def value(self): pass
[docs] def copy(self, tombstone=None, db=None, **kwargs): kwargs.update( tombstone=tombstone, widget=self.widget, discussion=self.discussion, voter=self.voter, idea=self.idea, criterion=self.criterion, creation_date=self.creation_date, ) return super(AbstractIdeaVote, self).copy(db=db, **kwargs)
def is_valid(self): return self.vote_spec.is_valid_vote(self) default_duplicate_handling = DuplicateHandling.TOMBSTONE_AND_COPY
[docs] def unique_query(self): query, valid = super(AbstractIdeaVote, self).unique_query() idea_id = self.idea_id or ( if self.idea else None) widget_id = self.widget_id or ( if self.widget else None) voter_id = self.voter_id or ( if self.voter else None) vote_spec_id = self.vote_spec_id or ( if self.vote_spec else None) return (query.filter_by( idea_id=idea_id, widget_id=widget_id, voter_id=voter_id, vote_spec_id=vote_spec_id), True)
crud_permissions = CrudPermissions( P_VOTE, P_ADMIN_DISC, P_SYSADMIN, P_SYSADMIN, P_VOTE, P_VOTE, P_READ)
[docs]class LickertIdeaVote(AbstractIdeaVote): __tablename__ = "lickert_idea_vote" __external_typename = "LickertVote" __table_args__ = () rdf_class = VOTE.LickertVote __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'lickert_idea_vote', } id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, ondelete='CASCADE', onupdate='CASCADE' ), primary_key=True) vote_value = Column(Float, nullable=False) # info={'rdf': QuadMapPatternS(None, VOTE.lickert_value)}) private! def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LickertIdeaVote, self).__init__(**kwargs) @property def value(self): return self.vote_value
[docs] def copy(self, tombstone=None, db=None, **kwargs): kwargs.update( tombstone=tombstone, vote_value=self.vote_value ) return super(LickertIdeaVote, self).copy(db=db, **kwargs)
@value.setter def value(self, val): val = float(val) self.vote_value = val
[docs]class MultipleChoiceIdeaVote(AbstractIdeaVote): __tablename__ = "multiple_choice_idea_vote" __table_args__ = () __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'multiple_choice_idea_vote', } id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, ondelete='CASCADE', onupdate='CASCADE' ), primary_key=True) vote_value = Column( Integer, nullable=False) @property def value(self): return self.vote_value @value.setter def value(self, val): val = int(val) if self.vote_spec: assert 0 <= val < self.vote_spec.num_choices self.vote_value = val
[docs]class BinaryIdeaVote(AbstractIdeaVote): rdf_class = VOTE.BinaryVote __tablename__ = "binary_idea_vote" __external_typename = "BinaryVote" __table_args__ = () __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'binary_idea_vote', } id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, ondelete='CASCADE', onupdate='CASCADE' ), primary_key=True) vote_value = Column( Boolean, nullable=False, info={'rdf': QuadMapPatternS(None, VOTE.positive)}) @property def value(self): return self.vote_value @value.setter def value(self, val): self.vote_value = asbool(val)
[docs] def copy(self, tombstone=None, db=None, **kwargs): kwargs.update( tombstone=tombstone, vote_value=self.vote_value ) return super(BinaryIdeaVote, self).copy(db=db, **kwargs)
[docs]class TokenIdeaVote(AbstractIdeaVote): __tablename__ = "token_idea_vote" __table_args__ = () __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'token_idea_vote', } id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, ondelete='CASCADE', onupdate='CASCADE' ), primary_key=True) # the number of tokens the user sets on this idea vote_value = Column( Integer, nullable=False) token_category_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey(, ondelete='CASCADE', onupdate='CASCADE'), index=True) token_category = relationship( TokenCategorySpecification, foreign_keys=(token_category_id,), backref=backref("votes", cascade="all, delete-orphan")) @property def value(self): return self.vote_value @value.setter def value(self, val): val = int(val) if self.vote_spec: assert 0 <= val if self.token_category.maximum_per_idea > 0: assert val <= self.token_category.maximum_per_idea # TODO: make sure that total <= category total_number self.vote_value = val
[docs] def copy(self, tombstone=None, db=None, **kwargs): kwargs.update( tombstone=tombstone, vote_value=self.vote_value ) return super(TokenIdeaVote, self).copy(db=db, **kwargs)
[docs] def unique_query(self): query, _ = super(TokenIdeaVote, self).unique_query() token_category_id = self.token_category_id or ( if self.token_category else None) return (query.filter_by(token_category_id=token_category_id), True)