Source code for

"""Posts are a kind of :py:class:`assembl.models.generic.Content` that has an author, and reply to some other content."""
from builtins import str
from builtins import object
from datetime import datetime
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import uuid
import logging

from ..lib.clean_input import sanitize_text
import simplejson as json
from sqlalchemy import (
from sqlalchemy.orm import (
    relationship, backref, deferred, column_property, with_polymorphic)

from ..lib.sqla import CrudOperation, DuplicateHandling
from ..lib.decl_enums import DeclEnum
from ..semantic.virtuoso_mapping import QuadMapPatternS
from ..lib.sqla_types import CoerceUnicode
from .generic import Content, ContentSource
from .auth import AgentProfile
from ..semantic.namespaces import SIOC, ASSEMBL, QUADNAMES
from ..lib import config
from .langstrings import LangString, LangStringEntry
from assembl.views.traversal import AbstractCollectionDefinition
from future.utils import with_metaclass

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class PostVisitor(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
    CUT_VISIT = object()

    def visit_post(self, post):

blocking_publication_states = { PublicationStates.MODERATED_TEXT_NEVER_AVAILABLE, PublicationStates.DELETED_BY_USER, PublicationStates.DELETED_BY_ADMIN } moderated_publication_states = { PublicationStates.MODERATED_TEXT_NEVER_AVAILABLE, PublicationStates.MODERATED_TEXT_ON_DEMAND } deleted_publication_states = { PublicationStates.DELETED_BY_USER, PublicationStates.DELETED_BY_ADMIN } countable_publication_states = { PublicationStates.SUBMITTED_IN_EDIT_GRACE_PERIOD, PublicationStates.PUBLISHED, PublicationStates.MODERATED_TEXT_ON_DEMAND, PublicationStates.MODERATED_TEXT_NEVER_AVAILABLE, }
[docs]class Post(Content): """ A Post represents input into the broader discussion taking place on the platform. It may be a response to another post, it may have responses, and its content may be of any type. """ __tablename__ = "post" id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey( '', ondelete='CASCADE', onupdate='CASCADE' ), primary_key=True) # This is usually an email, but we won't enforce it because we get some # weird stuff from outside. message_id = Column(CoerceUnicode, nullable=False, index=True, doc="The email-compatible message-id for the post.", info={'rdf': QuadMapPatternS(None,}) ancestry = Column(String, default="") __table_args__ = ( Index( 'ix_%s_post_ancestry' % (Content.full_schema,), 'ancestry', unique=False, postgresql_ops={'ancestry': 'varchar_pattern_ops'}),) parent_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey( '', ondelete='CASCADE', onupdate='SET NULL'), index=True) children = relationship( "Post", foreign_keys=[parent_id], backref=backref('parent', remote_side=[id]), ) publication_state = Column( PublicationStates.db_type(), nullable=False, moderator_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey( '', ondelete='SET NULL', onupdate='CASCADE'), nullable=True,) moderated_on = Column(DateTime) moderation_text = Column(UnicodeText) moderator_comment = Column(UnicodeText) # For other moderators moderator = relationship( "User", foreign_keys=[moderator_id], backref=backref('posts_moderated'), ) # All the idea content links of the ancestors of this post idea_content_links_above_post = column_property( func.idea_content_links_above_post(id), deferred=True, expire_on_flush=False)
[docs] @classmethod def special_quad_patterns(cls, alias_maker, discussion_id): # Don't we need a recursive alias for this? It seems not. return [ QuadMapPatternS( Post.iri_class().apply(, SIOC.reply_of, cls.iri_class().apply(cls.parent_id), name=QUADNAMES.post_parent, conditions=(cls.parent_id != None,)), ]
creator_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False, index=True, info={'rdf': QuadMapPatternS( None, SIOC.has_creator, AgentProfile.agent_as_account_iri.apply(None))}) creator = relationship(AgentProfile, foreign_keys=[creator_id], backref="posts_created") __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'post', 'with_polymorphic': '*' }
[docs] def populate_from_context(self, context): if not(self.creator or self.creator_id): self.creator = context.get_instance_of_class(AgentProfile) super(Post, self).populate_from_context(context)
def get_descendants(self): assert descendants = self.db.query(Post).filter( Post.parent_id == Content.creation_date) return descendants def is_read(self): # TODO: Make it user-specific. return self.views is not None def get_url(self): from assembl.lib.frontend_urls import FrontendUrls frontendUrls = FrontendUrls(self.discussion) return frontendUrls.get_post_url(self) @staticmethod def shorten_text(text, target_len=120): if len(text) > target_len: text = text[:target_len].rsplit(' ', 1)[0].rstrip() + ' ' return text @staticmethod def shorten_html_text(text, target_len=120): shortened = False html_len = 2 * target_len while True: pure_text = sanitize_text(text[:html_len]) if html_len >= len(text) or len(pure_text) > target_len: shortened = html_len < len(text) text = pure_text break html_len += target_len text = Post.shorten_text(text) if shortened and text[-1] != ' ': text += ' ' return text def get_body_preview(self): if self.publication_state in moderated_publication_states: # TODO: Handle multilingual moderation return LangString.create( self.moderation_text, self.discussion.main_locale) elif self.publication_state in deleted_publication_states: return LangString.EMPTY(self.db) body = self.get_body() is_html = self.get_body_mime_type() == 'text/html' ls = LangString() shortened = False for entry in body.entries: if not entry.value: short = entry.value elif is_html: short = self.shorten_html_text(entry.value) else: short = self.shorten_text(entry.value) if short != entry.value: shortened = True _ = LangStringEntry( value=short, locale=entry.locale, langstring=ls) if shortened or is_html: return ls else: return body def get_original_body_preview(self): if self.publication_state in moderated_publication_states: # TODO: Handle multilingual moderation return self.moderation_text elif self.publication_state in deleted_publication_states: return LangString.EMPTY(self.db) body = self.get_body() if not body: return None body = body.first_original().value is_html = self.get_body_mime_type() == 'text/html' shortened = False if not body: short = body elif is_html: short = self.shorten_html_text(body) else: short = self.shorten_text(body) if short != body: shortened = True if shortened or is_html: return short else: return body def _set_ancestry(self, new_ancestry): self.ancestry = new_ancestry descendant_ancestry = "%s%d," % ( self.ancestry, for descendant in self.get_descendants(): descendant._set_ancestry(descendant_ancestry) def set_parent(self, parent): self.parent = parent self.db.add(self) self.db.flush() if parent is not None: self._set_ancestry("%s%d," % ( parent.ancestry or '', )) else: self._set_ancestry('') def last_updated(self): ancestry_query_string = "%s%d,%%" % (self.ancestry or '', query = self.db.query( func.max(Content.creation_date) ).select_from( Post ).join( Content ).filter( or_(, == ) return query.scalar() def ancestor_ids(self): ancestor_ids = [ int(ancestor_id) \ for ancestor_id \ in self.ancestry.split(',') \ if ancestor_id ] return ancestor_ids def ancestors(self): ancestors = [ Post.get(ancestor_id) \ for ancestor_id \ in self.ancestor_ids ] return ancestors def prefetch_descendants(self): pass #TODO def visit_posts_depth_first(self, post_visitor): self.prefetch_descendants() self._visit_posts_depth_first(post_visitor, set()) def _visit_posts_depth_first(self, post_visitor, visited): if self in visited: # not necessary in a tree, but let's start to think graph. return False result = post_visitor.visit_post(self) visited.add(self) if result is not PostVisitor.CUT_VISIT: for child in self.children: child._visit_posts_depth_first(post_visitor, visited) def visit_posts_breadth_first(self, post_visitor): self.prefetch_descendants() result = post_visitor.visit_post(self) visited = {self} if result is not PostVisitor.CUT_VISIT: self._visit_posts_breadth_first(post_visitor, visited) def _visit_posts_breadth_first(self, post_visitor, visited): children = [] for child in self.children: if child in visited: continue result = post_visitor.visit_post(child) visited.add(child) if result != PostVisitor.CUT_VISIT: children.append(child) for child in children: child._visit_posts_breadth_first(post_visitor, visited) def has_next_sibling(self): if self.parent_id: return self != self.parent.children[-1] return False @property def has_live_child(self): for child in self.children: if not child.is_tombstone: return True
[docs] def delete_post(self, cause): """Set the publication state to a deleted state Includes an optimization whereby deleted posts without live descendents are tombstoned. Should be resilient to deletion order.""" self.publication_state = cause if not self.has_live_child: self.is_tombstone = True # If ancestor is deleted without being tombstone, make it tombstone ancestor = self.parent while (ancestor and ancestor.publication_state in deleted_publication_states and not ancestor.is_tombstone and not ancestor.has_live_child): ancestor.is_tombstone = True ancestor = ancestor.parent
# As tombstones are an optimization in this case, # allow necromancy. can_be_resurrected = True def undelete_post(self): self.publication_state = PublicationStates.PUBLISHED ancestor = self while ancestor and ancestor.is_tombstone: ancestor.is_tombstone = False ancestor = ancestor.parent def get_subject(self): if self.publication_state in blocking_publication_states: #return None return LangString.EMPTY() if self.subject: return super(Post, self).get_subject() def get_body(self): if self.publication_state in blocking_publication_states: #return None return LangString.EMPTY() if self.body: return super(Post, self).get_body() def get_original_body_as_html(self): if self.publication_state in blocking_publication_states: return LangString.EMPTY(self.db) return super(Post, self).get_original_body_as_html() def get_body_as_text(self): if self.publication_state in blocking_publication_states: return LangString.EMPTY(self.db) return super(Post, self).get_body_as_text() def indirect_idea_content_links(self): from pyramid.threadlocal import get_current_request request = get_current_request() if request: return self.indirect_idea_content_links_with_cache() else: return self.indirect_idea_content_links_without_cache() def language_priors(self, translation_service): from .auth import User, UserLanguagePreferenceCollection priors = super(Post, self).language_priors(translation_service) creator = self.creator or AgentProfile.get(self.creator_id) if creator and isinstance(creator, User): # probably a language that the user knows try: prefs = UserLanguagePreferenceCollection( known_languages = prefs.known_languages() except AssertionError: # user without prefs from pyramid.threadlocal import get_current_request request = get_current_request() if request: known_languages = [request.locale_name] else: return priors known_languages = [] known_languages = {translation_service.asKnownLocale(loc) for loc in known_languages} priors = {k: v * (1 if k in known_languages else 0.7) for (k, v) in priors.items()} for lang in known_languages: if lang not in priors: priors[lang] = 1 return priors @classmethod def extra_collections(cls): from .idea_content_link import IdeaContentLink class IdeaContentLinkCollection(AbstractCollectionDefinition): def __init__(self, cls): super(IdeaContentLinkCollection, self).__init__( cls, 'indirect_idea_content_links', IdeaContentLink) def decorate_query( self, query, owner_alias, last_alias, parent_instance, ctx): parent = owner_alias children = last_alias ancestors = [int(a) for a in parent_instance.ancestry.split(",") if a] ancestors.append( return query.join( parent, children.content_id.in_(ancestors)) def contains(self, parent_instance, instance): return instance.content_id == or ( str(instance.content_id) in parent_instance.ancestry.split(",")) return (IdeaContentLinkCollection(cls),)
[docs] @classmethod def restrict_to_owners_condition(cls, query, user_id, alias=None, alias_maker=None): if not alias: if alias_maker: alias = alias_maker.alias_from_class(cls) else: alias = cls return (query, alias.creator_id == user_id)
[docs]def orm_insert_listener(mapper, connection, target): """ This is to allow the root idea to send update to "All posts", "Synthesis posts" and "orphan posts" in the table of ideas", if the post isn't otherwise linked to the table of idea """ if target.discussion.root_idea: target.discussion.root_idea.send_to_changes(connection) # Check if this is the first post by this user in the discussion. # In which case, tell the discussion about this new participant, # which was not in Discussion.get_participants_query originally. if target.db.query(Post).filter_by( creator_id=target.creator_id, discussion_id=target.discussion_id).count() <= 1: creator = target.creator or AgentProfile.get(target.creator_id) creator.send_to_changes(connection, CrudOperation.UPDATE, target.discussion_id)
# Eagerly translate the post # Actually causes DB deadlocks. TODO: Revise this. # Let's only do this on import. # from ..tasks.translate import translate_content_task # translate_content_task.delay( event.listen(Post, 'after_insert', orm_insert_listener, propagate=True)
[docs]class LocalPost(Post): """ A Post that originated directly on the platform (wasn't imported from elsewhere). """ __tablename__ = "assembl_post" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'message_id' not in kwargs: kwargs['message_id'] = self.generate_message_id() super(Post, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def generate_message_id(cls): # Create a local message_id with uuid1 and hostname return uuid.uuid1().hex+"_assembl@"+config.get('public_hostname') id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey( '', ondelete='CASCADE', onupdate='CASCADE' ), primary_key=True) __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'assembl_post', }
[docs] def get_body_mime_type(self): return "text/plain"
[docs]class SynthesisPost(LocalPost): """ A Post that publishes a synthesis. """ __tablename__ = "synthesis_post" id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey( '', ondelete='CASCADE', onupdate='CASCADE' ), primary_key=True) publishes_synthesis_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey('', ondelete="CASCADE", onupdate="CASCADE"), nullable=False, index=True ) publishes_synthesis = relationship('Synthesis', backref=backref('published_in_post',uselist=False)) __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'synthesis_post', }
[docs] def finalize_publish(self): """Replace the synthesis with the published version. Call once after creation.""" self.publishes_synthesis = self.publishes_synthesis.publish()
[docs] def get_body_mime_type(self): return "text/html"
def get_title(self): return LangString.create( self.publishes_synthesis.subject, self.discussion.main_locale) def as_html(self, jinja_env): return self.publishes_synthesis.as_html(jinja_env)
[docs]class WidgetPost(LocalPost): """ A Post that comes from an inspiration widget """ # historical name __tablename__ = "post_with_metadata" id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, ondelete='CASCADE', onupdate='CASCADE' ), primary_key=True) metadata_raw = Column(Text) # Make it nullable, if we delete widget. widget_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey( "", ondelete='SET NULL', onupdate='CASCADE' ), nullable=True, index=True, info={"pseudo_nullable": False}) widget = relationship("Widget", backref="posts")
[docs] def container_url(self): return "/data/Discussion/%d/widgets/%d/posts" % ( self.discussion_id, self.widget_id)
# in practice, inspiration uses # /data/Discussion/%d/widgets/%d/base_idea_descendants/%d/linkedposts # and creativity uses # /data/Discussion/%d/widgets/%d/base_idea/-/children/%d/widgetposts def get_default_parent_context(self, request=None, user_id=None): return self.widget.get_collection_context( 'posts', request=request, user_id=user_id)
[docs] def populate_from_context(self, context): if not(self.widget or self.widget_id): from .widgets import Widget self.widget = context.get_instance_of_class(Widget) super(WidgetPost, self).populate_from_context(context)
@property def metadata_json(self): if self.metadata_raw: return json.loads(self.metadata_raw) return {} @metadata_json.setter def metadata_json(self, val): self.metadata_raw = json.dumps(val) __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'post_with_metadata', }
[docs]class IdeaProposalPost(WidgetPost): """ A Post that proposes an Idea. """ __tablename__ = "idea_proposal_post" id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, ondelete='CASCADE', onupdate='CASCADE' ), primary_key=True) idea_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey('', ondelete="CASCADE", onupdate="CASCADE"), nullable=False ) proposes_idea = relationship('Idea', backref=backref('proposed_in_post',uselist=False))
[docs] def container_url(self): return "/data/Discussion/%d/widgets/%d/base_idea/-/children/%d/widgetposts" % ( self.discussion_id, self.widget_id, self.idea_id)
__mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'idea_proposal_post', }
[docs]class ImportedPost(Post): """ A Post that originated outside of the platform (was imported from elsewhere). """ __tablename__ = "imported_post" __table_args__ = ( UniqueConstraint('source_post_id', 'source_id'), ) default_duplicate_handling = DuplicateHandling.USE_ORIGINAL def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): source_post_id = kwargs.pop('source_post_id', None) # delay source_post_id because of the listener # Note that message_id will get clobbered # if source_post_id is present (which it should) message_id = kwargs.get('message_id', None) source = kwargs.get('source', None) source_id = kwargs.get('source_id', None) assert message_id or (source_post_id and (source or source_id)) super(Post, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if source_post_id is not None: self.source_post_id = source_post_id id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey( '', ondelete='CASCADE', onupdate='CASCADE' ), primary_key=True) import_date = Column(DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.utcnow) source_post_id = Column(CoerceUnicode(), nullable=False, doc="The source-specific unique id of the imported post. A listener keeps the message_id in the post class in sync") source_id = Column('source_id', Integer, ForeignKey( '', ondelete='CASCADE'), nullable=False, info={'rdf': QuadMapPatternS(None, ASSEMBL.has_origin)}) source = relationship( "PostSource", backref=backref('contents') ) body_mime_type = Column(CoerceUnicode(), nullable=False, doc="The mime type of the body of the imported content. See Content::get_body_mime_type() for allowed values.") imported_blob = deferred(Column(Binary), group='raw_details') __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'imported_post', }
[docs] def container_url(self): return "/data/Discussion/%d/sources/%d/contents" % ( self.discussion_id, self.source_id)
def get_default_parent_context(self, request=None, user_id=None): return self.source.get_collection_context( 'contents', request=request, user_id=user_id)
[docs] def get_body_mime_type(self): return self.body_mime_type
[docs] def unique_query(self): query, _ = super(ImportedPost, self).unique_query() source_id = self.source_id or return query.filter_by( source_id=source_id, source_post_id=self.source_post_id), True
[docs]@event.listens_for(ImportedPost.source_post_id, 'set', propagate=True) def receive_set(target, value, oldvalue, initiator): "listen for the 'set' event, keeps the message_id in Post class in sync with the source_post_id" source = target.source or ContentSource.get(target.source_id) target.message_id = source.generate_message_id(value)