Source code for assembl.lib.plaster

from collections import OrderedDict
from plaster_pastedeploy import Loader as pLoader
    from plaster_pastedeploy import NoSectionError
except ImportError:
    from plaster_pastedeploy.compat import configparser
    NoSectionError = configparser.NoSectionError

[docs]class Loader(pLoader):
[docs] def get_settings(self, section=None, defaults=None): """ Gets a named section from the configuration source. :param section: a :class:`str` representing the section you want to retrieve from the configuration source. If ``None`` this will fallback to the :attr:`plaster.PlasterURL.fragment`. :param defaults: a :class:`dict` that will get passed to :class:`configparser.ConfigParser` and will populate the ``DEFAULT`` section. :return: A :class:`collections.OrderedDict` with key value pairs as parsed by :class:`configparser.ConfigParser`. """ section = self._maybe_get_default_name(section) if not self.pastedeploy_spec.startswith('config:'): return {} # defaults = self._get_defaults(defaults) parser = self._get_parser(defaults=defaults) try: d = OrderedDict(parser._sections.get(section, {})) d.pop('__name__', None) return d except NoSectionError: return {}