Source code for assembl.lib.model_watcher

The IModelEventWatcher defines handlers for CRUD operations on certain classes.

In the :py:meth:`assembl.models.generic.Content.send_to_changes`,
:py:meth:`assembl.models.idea.Idea.send_to_changes` and
:py:meth:`assembl.models.idea_content_link.Extract.send_to_changes` methods,
we call the appropriate method on the current model watcher,
given by :py:func:`assembl.lib.sqla.get_model_watcher`, which is a
class implementing the :py:class:`IModelEventWatcher` protocol.

For now, the main usage is to ultimately call the
upon :py:class:`Content` creation, either directly or indirectly.
Each process should call :py:func:`configure_model_watcher` with its process name,
so the proper model watcher is registered.

Different scenarios are defined in ``production.ini``:

1. Noop: just print
2. Direct: Invoke the :py:class:`assembl.models.notification.ModelEventWatcherNotificationSubscriptionDispatcher`
   immediately in-thread. (May run into issues with closed transactions.)
3. Threaded: Send the CRUD event to another thread in the same process, using the :py:class:`assembl.tasks.threaded_model_watcher.ThreadedModelEventWatcher`
4. Broker (preferred): Send the event to the :py:class:`assembl.tasks.notification_dispatch.ModelEventWatcherCelerySender`, which will
   send it through the celery machinery to the :py:class:`assembl.tasks.notification_dispatch.ModelEventWatcherCeleryReceiver`.

.. class:: IModelEventWatcher

    An abstract interface for objects that receive CRUD events on some models
from __future__ import print_function

from builtins import object
from zope import interface
from zope.component import getGlobalSiteManager
from pyramid.path import DottedNameResolver

from .logging import getLogger

log = getLogger()
resolver = DottedNameResolver(__package__)

[docs]class IModelEventWatcher(interface.Interface): """An abstract interface for objects that receive CRUD events on some models""" def processPostCreated(self, id): pass def processIdeaCreated(self, id): pass def processIdeaModified(self, id, version): pass def processIdeaDeleted(self, id): pass def processExtractCreated(self, id): pass def processExtractModified(self, id, version): pass def processExtractDeleted(self, id): pass def processAccountCreated(self, id): pass def processAccountModified(self, id): pass
[docs]@interface.implementer(IModelEventWatcher) class BaseModelEventWatcher(object): """A dummy :py:class:`IModelEventWatcher` for testing purposes""" def processPostCreated(self, id): log.debug("processPostCreated: %d" % (id or 0)) def processIdeaCreated(self, id): log.debug("processIdeaCreated: %d" % (id or 0)) def processIdeaModified(self, id, version): log.debug("processIdeaModified: %d %d" % (id or 0, version or -1)) def processIdeaDeleted(self, id): log.debug("processIdeaDeleted: %d" % (id or 0)) def processExtractCreated(self, id): log.debug("processExtractCreated: %d" % (id or 0)) def processExtractModified(self, id, version): log.debug("processExtractModified: %d %d" % (id or 0, version or -1)) def processExtractDeleted(self, id): log.debug("processExtractDeleted: %d" % (id or 0)) def processAccountCreated(self, id): log.debug("processAccountCreated: %d" % (id or 0)) def processAccountModified(self, id): log.debug("processAccountModified: %d" % (id or 0))
[docs]@interface.implementer(IModelEventWatcher) class CompositeModelEventWatcher(object): """A :py:class:`IModelEventWatcher` for that dispatches to others""" def __init__(self, *watchers): self.watchers = watchers def processPostCreated(self, id): for watcher in self.watchers: watcher.processPostCreated(id) def processIdeaCreated(self, id): for watcher in self.watchers: watcher.processIdeaCreated(id) def processIdeaModified(self, id, version): for watcher in self.watchers: watcher.processIdeaModified(id, version) def processIdeaDeleted(self, id): for watcher in self.watchers: watcher.processIdeaDeleted(id) def processExtractCreated(self, id): for watcher in self.watchers: watcher.processExtractCreated(id) def processExtractModified(self, id, version): for watcher in self.watchers: watcher.processExtractModified(id, version) def processExtractDeleted(self, id): for watcher in self.watchers: watcher.processExtractDeleted(id) def processAccountCreated(self, id): for watcher in self.watchers: watcher.processAccountCreated(id) def processAccountModified(self, id): for watcher in self.watchers: watcher.processAccountModified(id)
[docs]def get_model_watcher(): """Get the global implementation of py:class:`assembl.lib.model_watcherIModelEventWatcher` for this process. Often set in :py:func:`assembl.lib.model_watcher.configure_model_watcher`. """ global _MODEL_WATCHER if _MODEL_WATCHER is None: watchers = list( getGlobalSiteManager().getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor(IModelEventWatcher)) if not len(watchers): watchers = (BaseModelEventWatcher(),) if len(watchers) == 1: _MODEL_WATCHER = watchers[0] else: _MODEL_WATCHER = CompositeModelEventWatcher(*watchers) return _MODEL_WATCHER
[docs]def configure_model_watcher(registry, task_name): """Register the proper :py:class:`IModelEventWatcher` implementation for this process according to ``local.ini``""" # This is a temporary hack. settings = registry.settings class_names = settings.get( task_name + '.imodeleventwatcher', '.model_watcher.BaseModelEventWatcher').split() for class_name in class_names: cls = resolver.resolve(class_name) registry.registerUtility(cls(), IModelEventWatcher, name=class_name)