Source code for assembl.lib.locale

"""Utilities for locale conversion, between posix, iso639 1 & 2;
and for pyramid locale negotiation."""
from builtins import range
from pyramid.i18n import TranslationStringFactory, Localizer
from pyramid.i18n import default_locale_negotiator
from iso639 import (is_valid639_2, is_valid639_1, to_iso639_1)

from .config import get_config

_ = TranslationStringFactory('assembl')

[docs]def get_localizer(request=None): """Get the localizer. Searches the given request, or the current request, or provides a default locale.""" if request is None: from pyramid.threadlocal import get_current_request request = get_current_request() if request: localizer = request.localizer else: locale_code = get_config().get('available_languages', 'fr_CA en_CA').\ split()[0] localizer = Localizer(locale_code) return localizer
def use_underscore(locale): # Normalize fr-ca to fr_ca if locale and '-' in locale: return '_'.join(locale.split('-')) return locale def to_posix_string(locale_code): if not locale_code: return None # Normalize fra-ca to fr_CA locale_code = use_underscore(locale_code) locale_parts = locale_code.split("_") # Normalize first component lang = locale_parts[0] if is_valid639_1(lang): posix_lang = lang elif is_valid639_2(lang): temp = to_iso639_1(lang) posix_lang = temp if temp else lang else: # Aryan, not sure what case is being covered here full_name = lang.lower().capitalize() if is_valid639_2(full_name): posix_lang = to_iso639_1(full_name) else: raise ValueError( "The input %s in not a valid code to convert to posix format" % (locale_code,)) locale_parts[0] = posix_lang if len(locale_parts) > 4: raise ValueError("This locale has too many parts: "+locale_code) elif len(locale_parts) == 4: # Drop dialect. Sorry. locale_parts.pop() if len(locale_parts) > 1: # Normalize Country if len(locale_parts[-1]) == 2: locale_parts[-1] = locale_parts[-1].upper() elif len(locale_parts[-1]) != 4: raise ValueError( "The last part is not a script or country: "+locale_code) # Normalize script if len(locale_parts[1]) == 4: locale_parts[1] = locale_parts[1].capitalize() return "_".join(locale_parts) def get_language(locale): return (use_underscore(locale)+'_').split('_')[0] def get_country(locale): locale = use_underscore(locale) if '_' in locale: return locale.split('_')[1].upper() # otherwise None def ensure_locale_has_country(locale): # assuming a posix locale if '_' not in locale: # first look in config settings = get_config() available = settings.get('available_languages', 'en_CA fr_CA').split() avail_langs = {get_language(loc): loc for loc in reversed(available) if '_' in loc} locale_with_country = avail_langs.get(locale, None) if not locale_with_country: if is_valid639_1(locale): return locale return None return locale_with_country # TODO: Default countries for languages. Look in pycountry? return locale def strip_country(locale): # assuming a posix locale if locale == "zh": return "zh_Hans" if '_' in locale: locale = locale.split("_") if len(locale[-1]) == 2: locale.pop() return "_".join(locale) return locale def strip_most_countries(locale): base = strip_country(locale) if base in ('zh', 'pt'): return locale return base def locale_ancestry(locale): locale = locale.split("_") return ["_".join(locale[:i]) for i in range(len(locale), 0, -1)] def create_mt_code(source_code, target_code): return "-x-mtfrom-".join((target_code, source_code)) def split_mt_code(locale): parts = locale.split("-x-mtfrom-") if len(parts) < 2: parts.append(None) assert len(parts) == 2 return parts _rtl_locales = {"ar", "dv", "ha", "he", "fa", "ps", "ur", "yi"} def is_rtl(locale): parts = locale.split("_") return parts[0] in _rtl_locales or (len(parts) > 1 and parts[1] == 'Arab')
[docs]def locale_compatible(locname1, locname2): """Are the two locales similar enough to be substituted one for the other. Mostly same language/script, disregard country. """ # Google special case... should be done upstream ideally. if locname1 == 'zh': locname1 = 'zh_Hans' if locname2 == 'zh': locname2 = 'zh_Hans' loc1 = locname1.split("_") loc2 = locname2.split("_") for i in range(min(len(loc1), len(loc2))): if loc1[i] != loc2[i]: if i and len(loc1[i]) == 2: # discount difference in country return i return False return i + 1
def any_locale_compatible(locname, locnames): for l in locnames: if locale_compatible(l, locname): return True return False def get_preferred_languages(session, user_id): from ..models import UserLanguagePreference prefs = (session.query(UserLanguagePreference) .filter_by(user_id=user_id) .order_by(UserLanguagePreference.preferred_order)) return [p.locale for p in prefs] def locale_negotiator(request): settings = get_config() available = settings.get('available_languages').split() locale = (request.cookies.get('_LOCALE_', None) or request.params.get('_LOCALE_', None)) # TODO: Set User preference in this function. if not locale: from import authenticated_userid from assembl.auth.util import discussion_from_request from assembl.models import get_session_maker user_id = authenticated_userid(request) if user_id: prefs = get_preferred_languages(get_session_maker()(), user_id) for locale in prefs: if locale in available: break if '_' not in locale: locale = ensure_locale_has_country(locale) if locale and locale in available: break else: locale = None if locale is None: discussion = discussion_from_request(request) if discussion: for locale in discussion.discussion_locales: if locale in available: break if '_' not in locale: locale = ensure_locale_has_country(locale) if locale and locale in available: break else: locale = None if not locale: locale = to_posix_string(default_locale_negotiator(request)) if locale and locale not in available: locale_with_country = ensure_locale_has_country(locale) if locale_with_country: locale = locale_with_country if not locale: locale = to_posix_string(request.accept_language.best_match( available, settings.get('pyramid.default_locale_name', 'en'))) request._LOCALE_ = locale return locale