Source code for assembl.fabfile

#!/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
This file specifies how to do a number of installation tasks for Assembl.
It uses the Fabric_ (1.13) remote executor. In most projects, it is
separate from the code package, but many tasks need to be executed
in an environment when only the assembl package is available.
Some of the tasks also need to be executed before assembl is installed.
The fab command can take a path to this file with the -f flag, and this
file can also work well if invoked through a symbolic link.

.. _Fabric:

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import with_statement
from future import standard_library
from builtins import str
from builtins import range

from os import getenv
from getpass import getuser
from platform import system
from time import sleep, strftime, time
from configparser import ConfigParser, SafeConfigParser
from io import StringIO
import sys
# Importing the "safe" os.path commands
from os import getcwd
from os.path import join, dirname, split, normpath, realpath
# Other calls to os.path rarely mostly don't work remotely. Use locally only.
import os.path
import re
from functools import wraps
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile

from fabric.operations import (
    put, get, local, run, sudo as fabsudo)
from fabric.contrib.files import (exists, is_link)
from fabric.api import (
    abort, cd, env, execute, hide, prefix, settings, task as fab_task)
from fabric.colors import yellow, cyan, red, green

_local_file = __file__
if _local_file.endswith('.pyc'):
    _local_file = _local_file[:-1]
local_code_root = dirname(dirname(realpath(_local_file)))

def sanitize_hosts(alt_env=None):
    alt_env = alt_env or env
    if not alt_env.get('hosts', None):
        public_hostname = alt_env.get("public_hostname", "localhost")
        alt_env['hosts'] = [public_hostname]
    elif not isinstance(alt_env['hosts'], list):
        alt_env['hosts'] = alt_env['hosts'].split()

def is_local(hostname):
    return hostname in ['localhost', '']
    # TODO: look at sys('hostname')

def are_local(hostnames):
    return all((is_local(h) for h in hostnames))

def running_locally(alt_env=None):
    alt_env = alt_env or env
    # make sure sanitize_hosts has been called when reaching here
    hosts = alt_env.get('hosts', None) or [
        alt_env.get('host_string', 'localhost')]
    return are_local(hosts)

def sudo(*args, **kwargs):
    sudoer = env.get("sudoer", None) or env.get("user")
    with settings(user=sudoer,
                  sudo_prefix='sudo -i -S -p \'{}\''.format(env.sudo_prompt)):
        if sudoer == "root":
            run(*args, **kwargs)
            fabsudo(*args, **kwargs)

def get_prefixed(key, alt_env=None, default=None):
    alt_env = alt_env or env
    for prefx in ('', '_', '*'):
        val = alt_env.get(prefx + key, None)
        if val:
            return val
    return default

def venv_path(alt_env=None):
    alt_env = alt_env or env
    path = alt_env.get('venvpath', None)
    if path:
        return path
    if running_locally(alt_env):
        # Trust VIRTUAL_ENV, important for Jenkins case.
        return getenv('VIRTUAL_ENV', None)
    return join(get_prefixed('projectpath', alt_env, getcwd()), 'venv')

def code_root(alt_env=None):
    alt_env = alt_env or env
    if running_locally(alt_env):
        return local_code_root
        if (as_bool(get_prefixed('package_install', alt_env, False))):
            return os.path.join(venv_path(alt_env), 'lib', 'python2.7', 'site-packages')
            return get_prefixed('projectpath', alt_env, getcwd())

[docs]def combine_rc(rc_filename, overlay=None): """Take a rc filename, load it as fabric would. If it specifies an _extends value, consider this file to be an overlay of the named file.""" from fabric.main import load_settings assert os.path.exists(rc_filename), "Can't find " + rc_filename service_config = load_settings(rc_filename) if '_extends' in service_config: fname = service_config['_extends'] # fname is either relative to the current rc_file, # or to the config directory, in that order. loc = os.path.join(dirname(rc_filename), fname) if not os.path.exists(loc): loc = os.path.join(local_code_root, 'assembl', 'configs', fname) assert os.path.exists(loc), "Can't find " + fname service_config = combine_rc(loc, service_config) if overlay is not None: service_config.update(overlay) service_config.pop('_extends', None) service_config.pop('', None) return service_config
[docs]def filter_global_names(rc_data): """Returns a copy of the dict with normalized key names. Some keys in rc files are prefixed with * or _ for ini conversion purposes, those are stripped. If the value is '__delete_key__', the pair is filtered out.""" return {k.lstrip('*').lstrip('_'): v for (k, v) in list(rc_data.items()) if v != '__delete_key__'}
def as_bool(b): return str(b).lower() in {"1", "true", "yes", "t", "on"}
[docs]def sanitize_env(): """Ensure boolean and list env variables are such""" for name in ( "uses_memcache", "uses_uwsgi", "uses_apache", "uses_global_supervisor", "uses_apache", "uses_nginx", "mac", "is_production_env", "build_docs", "can_test"): # Note that we use as_bool() instead of bool(), # so that a variable valued "False" in the .ini # file is recognized as boolean False setattr(env, name, as_bool(getattr(env, name, False))) sanitize_hosts() # Note: normally, fab would set host_string from hosts. # But since we use the private name _hosts, and fallback # at this stage within task execution, neither env.hosts # nor env.host_string are set properly. Revisit with Fabric2. if not env.get('host_string', None): env.host_string = env.hosts[0] # Are we on localhost is_local = running_locally() if env.get('mac', None) is None: if is_local: # WARNING: This code will run locally, NOT on the remote server, # so it's only valid if we are connecting to localhost env.mac = system().startswith('Darwin') else: env.mac = False env.projectpath = env.get('projectpath', getcwd()) if not env.get('venvpath', None): env.venvpath = venv_path() env.code_root = code_root() env.random_file = env.get('random_file', 'random.ini') env.dbdumps_dir = env.get('dbdumps_dir', join( env.projectpath, '%s_dumps' % env.get("projectname", 'idealoom'))) env.ini_file = env.get('ini_file', 'local.ini')
[docs]def load_rcfile_config(): """Load the enviroment from the .rc file.""" from fabric.state import env rc_file = env['rcfile'] if not rc_file: abort("You must specify a .rc file") if not os.path.exists(env.rcfile): abort("This .rc file does not exist locally: " + rc_file) env.update(filter_global_names(env)) env.update(filter_global_names(combine_rc(rc_file))) sanitize_env() env.code_root = code_root()
def fill_template(template, config, output=None, default_dir=None): if not os.path.exists(template): if not default_dir: default_dir = join(local_code_root, 'assembl', 'templates', 'system') template = join(default_dir, template) if not os.path.exists(template): raise RuntimeError("Missing template") config['here'] = config.get('here', os.getcwd()) if template.endswith('.tmpl'): with open(template) as tmpl: result = % config elif template.endswith('.jinja2'): from jinja2 import Environment env = Environment() with open(template) as tmpl: tmpl = env.from_string( # Boolean overloading # Jinja should interpret 'false' as False but no: # for (k, v) in config.items(): if str(v).lower() == 'false': config[k] = False if '%(' in v: try: config[k] = v % config except KeyError: pass result = tmpl.render(config) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown template type") if hasattr(output, 'write'): output.write(result) else: with open(output, 'w') as out: out.write(result) def task(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): load_rcfile_config() return func(*args, **kwargs) return fab_task(wrapper) def realpath(path): return run("python -c 'import os,sys;print os.path.realpath(sys.argv[1])' " + path) def is_file(path): return run("test -f " + path, quiet=True).succeeded def is_dir(path): return run("test -d " + path, quiet=True).succeeded def getmtime(path): if env.mac: return int(run("/usr/bin/stat -f '%m' " + path)) else: return int(run("/usr/bin/stat -c '%Y' " + path)) def listdir(path): return run("ls " + path).split() @task def update_vendor_config(): """Update the repository of the currently used config file""" config_file_dir = dirname(env.rcfile) here = getcwd() if config_file_dir.startswith(here): config_file_dir = config_file_dir[len(here)+1:] while config_file_dir: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config_file_dir, '.git')): break config_file_dir = dirname(config_file_dir) if config_file_dir: # Only a subdir of the current directory from os import system # Run locally system("cd %s ; git pull" % config_file_dir) @task def create_local_ini(): """Replace the local.ini file with one composed from the current .rc file""" execute(update_vendor_config) random_ini_path = os.path.join(env.projectpath, env.random_file) local_ini_path = os.path.join(env.projectpath, env.ini_file) if exists(local_ini_path): run('cp %s %s.bak' % (local_ini_path, local_ini_path)) if is_local(env.host_string): # The easy case: create a local.ini locally. venvcmd("python -massembl.scripts.ini_files compose -o %s %s" % ( env.ini_file, env.rcfile)) else: # Create a local.ini file on the remote server # without disturbing local random/local.ini files. # OK, this is horrid because I need the local venv. local_venv = env.get("venvpath", "./venv") if not os.path.exists(local_venv): local_venv = os.environ.get("VIRTUAL_ENV", None) assert os.path.exists(local_venv + "/bin/python"),\ "No usable local venv" # get placeholder filenames with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f: random_file_name = with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f: local_file_name = try: # remote server case # Load the random file if any in a temp file if exists(random_ini_path): get(random_ini_path, random_file_name) rt = os.path.getmtime(random_file_name) # create the local.ini in a temp file with settings(host_string="localhost", venvpath=local_venv, user=getuser(), projectpath=os.getcwd()): venvcmd("python -massembl.scripts.ini_files compose -o %s -r %s %s" % ( local_file_name, random_file_name, env.rcfile)) # send the random file if changed if rt != os.path.getmtime(random_file_name): put(random_file_name, random_ini_path) # send the local file put(local_file_name, local_ini_path) finally: os.unlink(random_file_name) os.unlink(local_file_name) def get_random_templates(): templates = [r for r in env.get('ini_files', '').split() if r.startswith('RANDOM')] assert len(templates) == 1, \ "Please define a RANDOM phase in ini_files" return templates[0].split(':')[1:] def ensure_pip_compile(): if not exists(env.venvpath + "/bin/pip-compile"): separate_pip_install('pip-tools') @task def generate_new_requirements(): "Generate frozen requirements.txt file (with name taken from environment)." ensure_pip_compile() target = env.frozen_requirements.format( python_major=sys.version_info.major) local_venv = env.get("venvpath", "./venv") assert os.path.exists(local_venv + "/bin/python"),\ "No usable local venv" with settings(host_string="localhost", venvpath=local_venv, user=getuser(), projectpath=os.getcwd()): venvcmd(" ".join(("pip-compile -U --output-file", target, env.requirement_inputs))) @task def ensure_requirements(): "Copy the appropriate frozen requirements file into requirements.txt" target = env.frozen_requirements.format( python_major=sys.version_info.major) if target: with cd(env.projectpath): run("cp %s requirements.txt" % target) else: # TODO: Compare a hash in the generated requirements # with the hash of the input files, to avoid regeneration generate_new_requirements() @task def generate_frozen_requirements(): "Generate all frozen requirements file" local_venv = env.get("venvpath", "./venv") assert os.path.exists(local_venv + "/bin/python"),\ "No usable local venv" with settings(host_string="localhost", venvpath=local_venv, user=getuser(), projectpath=os.getcwd()): venvcmd("fab -c assembl/configs/local_prod.rc generate_new_requirements") venvcmd("fab -c assembl/configs/testing.rc generate_new_requirements") venvcmd("fab -c assembl/configs/develop.rc generate_new_requirements") # TODO: Check that no package has different versions in different files. @task def migrate_local_ini(): """Generate a .rc file to match the existing local.ini file. (requires a base .rc file) This should be used only once, to migrate from a hand-crafted local.ini to the new generated local.ini system.""" random_ini_path = os.path.join(env.projectpath, env.random_file) local_ini_path = os.path.join(env.projectpath, env.ini_file) dest_path = env.rcfile + '.' + str(time()) if is_local(env.host_string): # The easy case # first protect or generate the random data if not exists(random_ini_path): # Create a random.ini from specified random*.tmpl files. templates = get_random_templates() venvcmd("python -massembl.scripts.ini_files combine -o " + random_ini_path + " " + " ".join(templates)) # Note: we do not handle the case of an existing but incomplete # random.ini file. migrate is designed to be run only once. venvcmd("python -massembl.scripts.ini_files diff -e -o %s %s %s" % ( random_ini_path, random_ini_path, local_ini_path)) venvcmd("python -massembl.scripts.ini_files migrate -o %s %s " % ( dest_path, env.rcfile)) else: # OK, this is horrid because I need the local venv. local_venv = env.get("venvpath", "./venv") assert os.path.exists(local_venv + "/bin/python"),\ "No usable local venv" # get placeholder filenames with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f: base_random_file_name = with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f: dest_random_file_name = with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f: local_file_name = try: # remote server case # Load the random file if any in a temp file has_random = exists(random_ini_path) if has_random: # Backup the random file run("cp %s %s.%d" % ( base_random_file_name, base_random_file_name, int(time()))) get(random_ini_path, base_random_file_name) get(local_ini_path, local_file_name) # ??? should be base_random_file_name with settings(host_string="localhost", venvpath=local_venv, user=getuser(), projectpath=os.getcwd()): if not has_random: templates = get_random_templates() venvcmd("python -massembl.scripts.ini_files combine -o " + base_random_file_name + " " + " ".join(templates)) # Create the new random file with the local.ini data venvcmd("python -massembl.scripts.ini_files diff -e -o %s %s %s" % ( dest_random_file_name, base_random_file_name, local_file_name)) # Create the new rc file. venvcmd("python -massembl.scripts.ini_files migrate -o %s -i %s -r %s %s" % ( dest_path, local_file_name, dest_random_file_name, env.rcfile)) # Overwrite the random file put(dest_random_file_name, random_ini_path) finally: os.unlink(base_random_file_name) os.unlink(dest_random_file_name) os.unlink(local_file_name) @task def circus_restart(): "Restart circusd itself." with hide('running', 'stdout'): venvcmd("python -m circus.circusctl --timeout 8 stop") venvcmd("python -m circus.circusctl --timeout 5 quit") if env.uses_global_supervisor: # Another supervisor, upstart, etc. may be watching it, give it a little while # Ideally we should wait, but I didn't have time to code it. sleep(30); # If circus is already started, this will do nothing else: venvcmd("circusd circusd.conf") def is_circus_running(): with settings(warn_only=True), hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr'): circusd_cmd_result = venvcmd("python -m circus.circusctl --timeout 5 dstats") if circusd_cmd_result.failed: return False else: return True
[docs]def circus_process_start(process_name): """ Starts a circusd process, and waits till it started to return """ print(cyan('Asking circus to start %s' % process_name)) with hide('running', 'stdout'): circusd_cmd_result = venvcmd("python -m circus.circusctl --timeout 5 dstats") if not circusd_cmd_result.startswith("Main Process:"): if env.uses_global_supervisor: print(red('Circusd doesn\'t seem to be running, aborting')) exit() else: print(red('Circusd doesn\'t seem to be running, trying to start it')) circusd_cmd_result = venvcmd("circusd %s" % get_circusd_conf()) if circusd_cmd_result.failed: print(red('Failed starting circusd')) exit() for try_num in range(20): with hide('running', 'stdout'): status = venvcmd("python -m circus.circusctl --timeout 5 status %s" % process_name) if status: if status == 'active': print(green("%s is running" % process_name)) break elif status == 'stopped': venvcmd("python -m circus.circusctl start %s" % process_name) elif status == 'starting': print(status) else: print("unexpected status: %s" % status) sleep(1) else: print(red('No status given? Is that the right process name?')) print(status) exit()
[docs]def circus_process_stop(process_name): """ Assuming the circusd process is running, stop one of its processes """ print(cyan('Asking circus to stop %s' % process_name)) circus_pid_regex = re.compile('Main Process:\n\s*(\d+)', re.MULTILINE) status_regex = re.compile('^%s\s*(\S*)' % process_name) with settings(warn_only=True), hide('running', 'stdout'): circusd_cmd_result = venvcmd("python -m circus.circusctl --timeout 5 dstats") match = circus_pid_regex.match(circusd_cmd_result) if not match: print(cyan('Circusd doesn\'t seem to be running, nothing to stop')) return for try_num in range(20): venvcmd("python -m circus.circusctl --timeout 10 stop %s" % process_name) with hide('running', 'stdout'): status_cmd_result = venvcmd("python -m circus.circusctl status %s" % process_name) match = status_regex.match(status_cmd_result) if match: status = if status == 'stopped': print(green("%s is stopped" % process_name)) break elif status == 'active': venvcmd("python -m circus.circusctl stop %s" % process_name) elif status == 'stopping': print(status) else: print("unexpected status: %s" % status) sleep(1) else: print(red('Unable to parse status (bad regex?)')) print(status_cmd_result) exit()
def maintenance_mode_start(): assert env.uses_uwsgi circus_process_stop('prod:uwsgi') circus_process_start('maintenance_uwsgi') circus_process_stop('celery_notify_beat') circus_process_stop('source_reader') def maintenance_mode_stop(): assert env.uses_uwsgi circus_process_start('celery_notify_beat') circus_process_start('source_reader') circus_process_stop('maintenance_uwsgi') circus_process_start('prod:uwsgi') def filter_autostart_processes(processes): return [p for p in processes if as_bool(env.get('circus__autostart_' + p, False))] @task def app_majorupdate(): "This update is so major that assembl needs to be put in maintenance mode. Only for production." execute(database_dump) execute(updatemaincode_and_setup) execute(app_update_dependencies) execute(app_compile_nodbupdate) maintenance_mode_start() execute(app_db_update) if env.uses_global_supervisor: print(cyan('Asking circus to restart %(projectname)s' % env)) run("sudo /usr/bin/python -m circus.circusctl restart %(projectname)s" % env) else: if is_circus_running(): # circus config file may have changed venvcmd("python -m circus.circusctl --timeout 10 reloadconfig") processes = filter_autostart_processes([ "celery_imap", "changes_router", "celery_notification_dispatch", "celery_notify"]) venvcmd("python -m circus.circusctl --timeout 10 restart " + " ".join(processes)) maintenance_mode_stop() execute(webservers_reload) @task def app_reload(): """ Restart all necessary processes after an update """ if env.uses_global_supervisor: # TODO: Redo this. circus is not using a global supervisor/circus, but systemd print(cyan('Asking circus to restart %(projectname)s' % env)) run("sudo /usr/bin/circusctl restart %(projectname)s" % env) else: if is_circus_running(): venvcmd("python -m circus.circusctl --timeout 10 stop pserve") # circus config file may have changed venvcmd("python -m circus.circusctl reloadconfig") processes = filter_autostart_processes([ "celery_imap", "changes_router", "celery_notification_dispatch", "celery_notify", "celery_notify_beat", "source_reader"]) venvcmd("python -m circus.circusctl restart " + " ".join(processes)) if env.uses_uwsgi: venvcmd("python -m circus.circusctl restart uwsgi") """ This will log everyone out, hopefully the code is now resilient enough that it isn't necessary if env.uses_memcache: flushmemcache() """ def as_venvcmd(cmd, chdir=False): cmd = '. %s/bin/activate && %s' % (env.venvpath, cmd) if chdir: cmd = 'cd %s && %s' % (env.projectpath, cmd) return cmd def venvcmd(cmd, chdir=True, user=None, pty=False, **kwargs): if not user: user = env.user return run(as_venvcmd(cmd, chdir), pty=pty, **kwargs) def venv_prefix(): return '. %(venvpath)s/bin/activate' % env def get_db_dump_name(): return 'idealoom-backup.pgdump' def remote_db_path(): return join(env.projectpath, get_db_dump_name())
[docs]def printenv(): """ Print shell env """ venvcmd('env')
# # Virtualenv @task def build_virtualenv(): """ Build the virtualenv """ print(cyan('Creating a fresh virtualenv')) assert env.venvpath import sys # This relies on env.venvpath if exists(join(env.venvpath, "bin/activate")): print(cyan('The virtualenv seems to already exist, so we don\'t try to create it again')) print(cyan('(otherwise the virtualenv command would produce an error)')) return run('python3 -mvenv %(venvpath)s' % env) if env.mac: # Virtualenv does not reuse distutils.cfg from the homebrew python, # and that sometimes precludes building python modules. bcfile = "/usr/local/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/distutils/distutils.cfg" vefile = env.venvpath + "/lib/python3.6/distutils/distutils.cfg" sec = "build_ext" if exists(bcfile): brew_config = SafeConfigParser() venv_config = SafeConfigParser() if exists(vefile): if (brew_config.has_section(sec) and not venv_config.has_section(sec)): venv_config.add_section(sec) for option in brew_config.options(sec): val = brew_config.get(sec, option) venv_config.set(sec, option, val) with open(vefile, 'w') as f: venv_config.write(f) run('rm /tmp/distribute* || echo "ok"') # clean after myself def separate_pip_install(package, wrapper=None): template = "egrep '^%%s' %(projectpath)s/requirements-prod.frozen.txt | sed -e 's/#.*//' | xargs %(venvpath)s/bin/pip install" % env cmd = template % (package,) if wrapper: cmd = wrapper % (cmd,) run(cmd) @task def update_pip_requirements(force_reinstall=False): """ update external dependencies on remote host """ print(cyan('Updating requirements using PIP')) venvcmd('pip install -U "pip>=6" setuptools') force_flag = "--ignore-installed" if force_reinstall else "" base_cmd = "%s/bin/pip install %s -r %s" % ( env['venvpath'], force_flag, env['projectpath']) run("yes w | %s/requirements.txt" % base_cmd) def install_awscli(): if venvcmd('which aws', warn_only=True).failed: venvcmd('pip install awscli')
[docs]def is_db_updated(): """ Return if the database is update or not """ history = venvcmd('alembic -c {} history'.format(env.ini_file)) current = venvcmd('alembic -c {} heads'.format(env.ini_file)) return current in history
@task def app_db_update(): """ Migrates database using south """ print(cyan('Migrating database')) venvcmd('alembic -c %s upgrade head' % (env.ini_file))
[docs]def app_db_install(): """ Install db the first time and fake migrations """ execute(database_create) print(cyan('Installing database')) venvcmd('idealoom-db-manage %s bootstrap' % (env.ini_file))
@task def make_messages(): """ Run *.po file generation for translation """ cmd = "python extract_messages" venvcmd(cmd) cmd = "python update_catalog" venvcmd(cmd) @task def compile_messages(): """ Run compile *.mo file from *.po """ cmd = "python compile_catalog" venvcmd(cmd) venvcmd("python assembl/scripts/") @task def compile_widget_stylesheets(): """ Generate *.css files from *.scss in widgets """ with cd(env.projectpath): venvcmd(get_node_bin_path()+'/node-sass --source-map -r -o assembl/static/widget/card/app/css --source-map assembl/static/widget/card/app/css assembl/static/widget/card/app/scss', shell=True) venvcmd(get_node_bin_path()+'/node-sass --source-map -r -o assembl/static/widget/video/app/css --source-map assembl/static/widget/video/app/css assembl/static/widget/video/app/scss', shell=True) venvcmd(get_node_bin_path()+'/node-sass --source-map -r -o assembl/static/widget/session/css --source-map assembl/static/widget/session/css assembl/static/widget/session/scss', shell=True) @task def compile_stylesheets_and_js(): """ Generates and minifies stylesheets and javascript """ with cd(env.projectpath): with cd('assembl/static'): venvcmd('./node_modules/.bin/webpack -p', chdir=False)
[docs]def tests(): """ Run all tests on remote """ print(cyan('Running TDD tests')) venvcmd('./ test') print(cyan('Running BDD tests')) venvcmd('./ harvest --verbosity=2')
@task def bootstrap(projectpath): """ Creates the virtualenv and install the app from env URL takes the same arguments at env_dev, but projectpath is mandatory """ #env.projectname = "idealoom" assert projectpath, "projectpath is mandatory, and corresponds to the directory where assembl will be installed" with settings(projectpath=projectpath): execute(clone_repository) execute(bootstrap_from_checkout) @task def bootstrap_from_checkout(): """ Creates the virtualenv and install the app from git checkout """ execute(updatemaincode) execute(build_virtualenv) execute(app_update_dependencies) execute(pip_develop) execute(app_setup) execute(check_and_create_database_user) execute(app_compile_nodbupdate) execute(set_file_permissions) execute(app_db_install) execute(app_reload) execute(webservers_reload) @task def bootstrap_from_wheel(): """ Creates the virtualenv and install the app from git checkout """ execute(app_setup) execute(check_and_create_database_user) execute(set_file_permissions) execute(app_db_install)
[docs]def clone_repository(): """ Clone repository """ print(cyan('Cloning Git repository')) # Remove dir if necessary if exists("%(projectpath)s/.git" % env): abort("%(projectpath)s/.git already exists" % env) # Clone run("git clone --branch {0} {1} {2}".format(env.gitbranch, env.gitrepo, env.projectpath))
[docs]def updatemaincode(): """ Update code and/or switch branch """ print(cyan('Updating Git repository')) with cd(join(env.projectpath)): run('git fetch') run('git checkout %s' % env.gitbranch) run('git pull %s %s' % (env.gitrepo, env.gitbranch)) run('git submodule update --init')
@task def pip_develop(): """ develop the current environment. """ # make sure you've run install -r requirements at least once with cd(join(env.projectpath)): venvcmd('pip install -e ./') def updatemaincode_and_setup(): updatemaincode() pip_develop() def app_setup(): execute(setup_var_directory) if not exists(env.ini_file): execute(create_local_ini) venvcmd('python -massembl.scripts.ini_files populate %s' % (env.ini_file)) @task def app_fullupdate(): """ Full Update: Update to latest git, update dependencies and compile app. You need internet connectivity, and can't run this on a branch. """ execute(database_dump) execute(updatemaincode_and_setup) execute(app_compile) @task def app_update(): """ Fast Update: Update to latest git, compile app but don't update requirements Useful for deploying hotfixes. You need internet connectivity, and can't run this on a branch. """ execute(database_dump) execute(updatemaincode_and_setup) execute(app_compile_noupdate) @task def app_update_dependencies(force_reinstall=False): """ Updates all python and javascript dependencies. Everything that requires a network connection to update """ execute(update_vendor_themes) execute(ensure_requirements) execute(update_pip_requirements, force_reinstall=force_reinstall) #Nodeenv is installed by python , so this must be after update_pip_requirements execute(update_node, force_reinstall=force_reinstall) #bower is installed by node, so this must be after update_node execute(update_npm_requirements, force_reinstall=force_reinstall) execute(update_bower_requirements, force_reinstall=force_reinstall) @task def app_reinstall_all_dependencies(): """ Reinstall all python and javascript dependencies. Usefull after a OS upgrade, node upgrade, etc. """ execute(app_update_dependencies, force_reinstall=True) @task def update_node(force_reinstall=False): """ Install node and npm to a known-good version """ node_version = '12.18.2' npm_version = '6.14.5' with settings(warn_only=True), hide('running', 'stdout'): node_version_cmd_result = venvcmd("node --version") if force_reinstall or "v"+node_version not in node_version_cmd_result.split(): print(cyan('Upgrading node')) #Because otherwise node may be busy circus_process_stop('dev:webpack') run("rm -rf "+join(env.venvpath, "lib/node_modules")) venvcmd(f"nodeenv --node={node_version} --npm={npm_version} --python-virtualenv assembl/static") with cd(get_node_base_path()): venvcmd("npm install --no-save reinstall -g", chdir=False) else: print(green('Node version ok')) @task def app_compile(): """ Full Update: This is what you normally run after a git pull. Doesn't touch git state, but updates requirements, rebuilds all generated files annd restarts whatever needs restarting. You need internet connectivity. If you are on a plane, use app_compile_noupdate instead. """ execute(app_update_dependencies) execute(app_compile_noupdate) if env.build_docs: execute(build_doc) @task def app_compile_noupdate(): """ Fast Update: Doesn't touch git state, don't update requirements, and rebuild all generated files. You normally do not need to have internet connectivity. """ execute(app_compile_nodbupdate) execute(app_db_update) # tests() execute(app_reload) execute(webservers_reload) @task def app_compile_nodbupdate(): """Separated mostly for tests, which need to run alembic manually""" execute(app_setup) execute(update_npm_requirements) execute(compile_stylesheets_and_js) execute(compile_widget_stylesheets) execute(compile_messages) @task def app_create_wheel(): """Create a wheel for assembl. Should be run locally.""" execute(update_npm_requirements) execute(compile_stylesheets_and_js) execute(compile_messages) run("rm -rf dist build idealoom.egg-info") venvcmd("python bdist_wheel") @task def generate_dh_group(): """Generate Diffie-Hellman Group""" sudo("openssl dhparam -out /etc/ssl/certs/dhparam.pem 2048") @task def webservers_reload(): """ Reload the webserver stack. """ if env.uses_apache: print(cyan("Reloading apache")) # Apache (sudo is part of command line here because we don't have full # sudo access for f in apache_files: if exists(f): run('sudo %s reload' % (f,)) break if env.uses_nginx: # Nginx (sudo is part of command line here because we don't have full # sudo access print(cyan("Reloading nginx")) if (env.get('sudo_user'), None) and exists('/etc/init.d/nginx'): sudo('/etc/init.d/nginx reload') elif exists('/etc/init.d/nginx'): run('sudo /etc/init.d/nginx reload') elif env.mac: sudo('killall -HUP nginx')
[docs]def webservers_stop(): """ Stop all webservers """ if env.uses_apache: # Apache for f in apache_files: if exists(f): run('sudo %s stop' % (f,)) break if env.uses_nginx: # Nginx if exists('/etc/init.d/nginx'): run('sudo /etc/init.d/nginx stop') elif env.mac: sudo('killall nginx')
[docs]def webservers_start(): """ Start all webservers """ if env.uses_apache: # Apache for f in apache_files: if exists(f): run('sudo %s start' % (f,)) break if env.uses_nginx: # Nginx if exists('/etc/init.d/nginx'): run('sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start') elif env.mac and exists('/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx'): sudo('/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx')
def get_node_base_path(): return normpath(join( env.projectpath, 'assembl', 'static')) def get_node_modules_path(): return normpath(join( get_node_base_path(), 'node_modules')) def get_node_bin_path(): return normpath(join( get_node_modules_path(), '.bin')) def bower_cmd(cmd, relative_path='.'): with cd(env.projectpath): bower_cmd = normpath(join(get_node_bin_path(), 'bower')) po2json_cmd = normpath(join(get_node_bin_path(), 'po2json')) with cd(relative_path): print("Running a bower command in path %s" % relative_path) venvcmd(' '.join(("node", bower_cmd, '--allow-root', cmd)), chdir=False) def _bower_foreach_do(cmd): bower_cmd(cmd) bower_cmd(cmd, 'assembl/static/widget/card') bower_cmd(cmd, 'assembl/static/widget/session') bower_cmd(cmd, 'assembl/static/widget/video') bower_cmd(cmd, 'assembl/static/widget/vote') bower_cmd(cmd, 'assembl/static/widget/creativity') bower_cmd(cmd, 'assembl/static/widget/share') @task def update_bower_requirements(force_reinstall=False): """ Normally not called manually """ execute(_bower_foreach_do, 'prune') if force_reinstall: execute(_bower_foreach_do, 'install --force') else: execute(_bower_foreach_do, 'update') @task def update_npm_requirements(force_reinstall=False): """ Normally not called manually """ with cd(get_node_base_path()): execute(install_yarn, True) if force_reinstall: run('rf -rm yarn.lock node_modules') if exists('node_modules/.bin/yarn'): venvcmd('./node_modules/.bin/yarn', chdir=False) else: venvcmd('yarn', chdir=False) @task def install_single_server(): """ Will install all assembl components on a single server. Follow with bootstrap_from_checkout """ execute(install_database) execute(install_idealoom_server_deps) execute(install_redis) execute(install_memcached) if not env.package_install: execute(install_yarn, False) @task def install_idealoom_server_deps(): """ Will install most assembl components on a single server, except db """ execute(install_yarn, False) execute(install_server_deps) execute(install_idealoom_deps) @task def install_idealoom_deps(): """ Will install commonly needed build deps for pip django virtualenvs. """ execute(install_basetools) execute(install_builddeps) @task def install_server_deps(): """ Tools needed by server in order to operate securely and cleanly, but not related to Assembl """ execute(install_fail2ban) @task def install_certbot(): """Install certbot""" if env.mac: return if exists('/etc/os-release'): release_data = run('cat /etc/os-release') if 'jessie' in release_data: sudo("echo 'deb jessie-backports main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list") sudo("apt-get update") elif 'ubuntu' in release_data: sudo("apt-get install software-properties-common") sudo("add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot") sudo("apt-get update") else: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown distribution") sudo("apt-get install python3-certbot-nginx") @task def install_pyftpsync(): """Install pyftpsync. Useful in case of syncing a local borg backup to a remote FTP server.""" if env.mac: run("pip install pyftpsync") else: sudo("apt-get install python3-cffi python3-colorama python3-cryptography " "python3-enum34 python3-idna python3-ipaddress python3-keyring " "python3-pycparser python3-secretstorage") sudo("pip install pyftpsync") @task def generate_certificate(): """Generate a certificate for https, and add renewal to crontab""" hostname = env.public_hostname if not exists('/etc/letsencrypt/live/%s/fullchain.pem' % (hostname)): sudo("certbot certonly --webroot -w /var/www/html -d " + hostname) sudo("echo '12 3 * * 3 letsencrypt renew' | uniq | crontab") # # Server packages
[docs]def install_basetools(): """ Install required base tools """ print(cyan('Installing base tools')) if env.mac: # Install Homebrew if not exists('/usr/local/bin/brew'): run('ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"') else: run("brew update") run("brew upgrade") # Standardize on brew python if not exists('/usr/local/bin/python3'): run('brew install python3') assert exists('/usr/local/bin/pip3'), "Brew python should come with pip" path_pip = run('which pip3') assert path_pip == '/usr/local/bin/pip3',\ "Make sure homebrew is in the bash path, got " + path_pip run('pip3 install setuptools wheel') run('pip3 install virtualenv psycopg2 requests') run('pip3 install paramiko future nose Fabric3 jinja2') else: sudo('apt-get install -y git python3-venv python3-pip') sudo('apt-get install -y python3-psycopg2 python3-setuptools') sudo('apt-get install -y python3-paramiko python3-future') sudo('apt-get install -y python3-wheel python3-requests python3-nose') sudo('apt-get install -y python3-jinja2') sudo('pip3 install Fabric3')
# sudo('apt-get install -y gettext') def install_builddeps(): print(cyan('Installing compilers and required libraries')) print("env.hosts" + repr(env.hosts)) if env.mac: run('brew install libevent') # may require a sudo if not run('brew link libevent', quiet=True): sudo('brew link libevent') run('brew install zeromq libtool libmemcached gawk snappy') if not exists('/usr/local/bin/pkg-config'): run('brew install pkg-config') if not exists('/usr/local/bin/autoconf'): run('brew install autoconf') if not exists('/usr/local/bin/automake'): run('brew install automake') if not exists('/usr/local/bin/twopi'): run('brew install graphviz') # may require a sudo if not run('brew link graphviz', quiet=True): sudo('brew link graphviz') # glibtoolize, bison, flex, gperf are on osx by default. # brew does not know aclocal, autoheader... # They exist on macports, but do we want to install that? if not exists('/usr/local/bin/gfortran'): run('brew install gcc isl') else: sudo('apt-get install -y build-essential python3-dev') sudo('apt-get install -y automake bison flex gperf gawk') sudo('apt-get install -y graphviz pkg-config gfortran') if env.can_test: execute(install_testdeps) execute(update_python_package_builddeps) @task def install_testdeps(): if env.mac: run("brew install chromedriver") else: sudo('apt-get install -y chromium-browser') release_info = run("lsb_release -i") if "Debian" in release_info: sudo('apt-get install -y chromedriver', warn_only=True) # jessie sudo('apt-get install -y chromium-driver', warn_only=True) # stretch if "Ubuntu" in release_info: sudo('apt-get install -y chromium-chromedriver') @task def update_python_package_builddeps(): """Install/Update python package native binary dependencies""" # For specific python packages in requirements.txt if env.mac: # Brew packages come with development headers pass else: print(cyan( 'Installing/Updating python package native binary dependencies')) sudo('apt-get install -y libpq-dev libmemcached-dev libzmq3-dev ' 'libxslt1-dev libffi-dev libhiredis-dev libxml2-dev libssl-dev ' 'libreadline-dev liblapack-dev libatlas-base-dev libblas-dev ' 'libxmlsec1-dev libgraphviz-dev libsnappy-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev') print("We are still trying to get some requirements right for linux, " "See " "for details.") @task def install_redis(): """ Install redis server """ print(cyan('Installing redis server')) if env.mac: run('brew install redis') run('brew tap homebrew/services') run('brew services start redis') else: sudo('apt-get install -y redis-server') if exists('/etc/systemd/system/redis.service'): sudo('sudo systemctl start redis.service') elif exists('/etc/init.d/redis-server'): sudo('/etc/init.d/redis-server start') else: print(red("Make sure that redis is running")) @task def install_memcached(): """ Install memcached server """ print(cyan('Installing memcached')) if env.mac: run('brew install memcached') run('brew tap homebrew/services') run('brew services start memcached') else: sudo('apt-get install -y memcached') if exists('/etc/init.d/memcached'): sudo('/etc/init.d/memcached start') else: print(red("Make sure that memcached is running")) @task def install_fail2ban(): print(cyan('Installing fail2ban')) if not env.mac: sudo('apt-get install -y fail2ban') def chgrp_rec(path, group, use_sudo=False, upto=None): command = sudo if use_sudo else run parts = path.split("/") success = False for i in range(len(parts), 1, -1): path = "/".join(parts[:i]) if path == upto: break if not command('chgrp {group} {path}'.format(group=group, path=path), warn_only=True).succeeded: break if not command('chmod g+x {path}'.format(path=path), warn_only=True).succeeded: break success = True assert success # At least the full path @task def set_file_permissions(): """Set file permissions for an isolated platform environment""" if not as_bool(env.make_project_web_visible): return webgrp = '_www' if env.mac else 'www-data' user_not_in_webgrp = webgrp not in run('groups', quiet=True).split() if as_bool(env.add_user_to_webgroup) and user_not_in_webgrp: # This should cover most cases. if env.mac: sudo('dseditgroup -o edit -a {user} -t user {webgrp}'.format( webgrp=webgrp, user=env.user)) else: usermod_path = run('which usermod', quiet=True) if not usermod_path and exists('/usr/sbin/usermod'): usermod_path = '/usr/sbin/usermod' assert usermod_path, "usermod should be part of your path" sudo('{usermod} -a -G {webgrp} {user}'.format( usermod=usermod_path, webgrp=webgrp, user=env.user)) print(red(f"We added your user to the web group {webgrp}. " "You will have to logout, login and repeat the procedure.")) exit(1) with cd(env.projectpath): upload_dir = get_upload_dir() project_path = env.projectpath code_path = code_root() run('chmod -R o-rwx ' + project_path, warn_only=True) run('chmod -R g-rw ' + project_path, warn_only=True) chgrp_rec(project_path, webgrp, user_not_in_webgrp) chgrp_rec(upload_dir, webgrp, user_not_in_webgrp, project_path) if not (code_path.startswith(project_path)): run('chmod -R o-rwx ' + code_path) run('chmod -R g-rw ' + code_path) chgrp_rec(code_path, webgrp, user_not_in_webgrp) command = sudo if user_not_in_webgrp else run command('chgrp {webgrp} . {path}/var {path}/var/run'.format(webgrp=webgrp, path=project_path)) command('chgrp -R {webgrp} {path}/assembl/static'.format(webgrp=webgrp, path=code_path)) command('chgrp -R {webgrp} {uploads}'.format(webgrp=webgrp, uploads=upload_dir)) run('chmod -R g+rxs {path}/var/run'.format(path=project_path)) run('chmod -R g+rxs ' + upload_dir) run('find {path}/assembl/static -type d -print0 |xargs -0 chmod g+rxs'.format(path=code_path)) run('find {path}/assembl/static -type f -print0 |xargs -0 chmod g+r'.format(path=code_path)) # allow postgres user to use pypsql run('chmod go+x {path}/assembl/scripts'.format(path=code_path)) run('chmod go+r {path}/assembl/scripts/'.format(path=code_path)) @task def start_edit_fontello_fonts(): """Prepare to edit the fontello fonts in Fontello.""" assert are_local(env.hosts), "Meant to be run locally" import requests font_dir = join( env.projectpath, 'assembl', 'static', 'css', 'fonts') config_file = join(font_dir, 'config.json') id_file = join(font_dir, '') r ="", files={'config': open(config_file)}) if not r.ok: raise RuntimeError("Could not get the ID") fid = r.text with open(id_file, 'w') as f: f.write(fid) if are_local(env.hosts): import webbrowser'' + fid) @task def compile_fontello_fonts(): """Compile the fontello fonts once you have edited them in Fontello. Run start_edit_fontello_fonts first.""" from zipfile import ZipFile from io import BytesIO assert are_local(env.hosts), "Meant to be run locally" import requests font_dir = join( env.projectpath, 'assembl', 'static', 'css', 'fonts') config_file = join(font_dir, 'config.json') id_file = join(font_dir, '') assert os.path.exists(id_file) with open(id_file) as f: fid = r = requests.get("" % fid) if not r.ok: raise RuntimeError("Could not get the data") with ZipFile(BytesIO(r.content)) as data: for name in data.namelist(): dirname, fname = split(name) dirname, subdir = split(dirname) if fname and (subdir == 'font' or fname == 'config.json'): with as fdata: with open(join(font_dir, fname), 'wb') as ffile: ffile.write( def run_db_superuser_command(command, database=None): db_user = system_db_user() pypsql = join(code_root(), 'assembl', 'scripts', '') database_flag = '-d ' + database if database else '' if is_local(env.host_string) and db_user: pwd_flag = '' sudo_user = db_user else: db_password = env.get('postgres_db_password', None) assert db_password is not None, "We need a password for postgres on " + host pwd_flag = "-p '%s'" % db_password sudo_user = None run_db_command('python {pypsql} -u {db_user} -n {host} {pwd_flag} {database_flag} "{command}"'.format( command=command, pypsql=pypsql, db_user=db_user, host=host, pwd_flag=pwd_flag, database_flag=database_flag), sudo_user) @task def check_and_create_database_user(host=None, user=None, password=None): """ Create a user and a DB for the project """ host = host or env.db_host user = user or env.db_user password = password or env.db_password pypsql = join(code_root(), 'assembl', 'scripts', '') with settings(warn_only=True): runner = run if exists(env.venvpath): runner = venvcmd checkUser = runner('python {pypsql} -1 -u {user} -p {password} -n {host} "{command}"'.format( command="SELECT 1 FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname='%s'" % (user), pypsql=pypsql, password=password, host=host, user=user)) if checkUser.failed: print(yellow("User does not exist, let's try to create it. (The error above is not problematic if the next command which is going to be run now will be successful. This next command tries to create the missing Postgres user.)")) run_db_superuser_command( "CREATE USER %s WITH CREATEDB ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '%s'; COMMIT;" % ( user, password)) else: print(green("User exists and can connect")) @task def create_sentry_revision(): # assumes org, project, url, token etc. in ~/.sentryclirc with cd(env.projectpath): version = venvcmd("python "+os.path.join(local_code_root, 'assembl', '')) # git_rev = run("git rev-parse --short HEAD") with cd(os.path.join(local_code_root, 'assembl')): main_js = run(r'''sed -E -e 's/.*"([^"]+main[^"]+)".*/\1/' static/js/build/index.html''') run(f"./static/node_modules/.bin/sentry-cli releases new {version}") # run(f"./static/node_modules/.bin/sentry-cli set-commits -c {git_rev} {version}") run(f"./static/node_modules/.bin/sentry-cli releases files {version} upload-sourcemaps static{main_js}*") run(f"./static/node_modules/.bin/sentry-cli releases finalize {version}") @task def check_and_create_sentry_database_user(): user = env.sentry_db_user password = env.sentry_db_password host = env.get("sentry_db_host", None) assert user and password, "Please specify sentry database user + password" check_and_create_database_user(host, user, password) @task def create_sentry_project(): """Create a project for the current assembl server. Mostly useful for Docker. Tested on Sentry 8.""" if os.path.exists(env.random_file): env.update(as_rc(env.random_file)) if env.get("sentry_key", None) and env.get("sentry_secret", None): return import requests from configparser import RawConfigParser assert env.sentry_host, env.sentry_api_token headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + env.sentry_api_token} organization = env.get("sentry_organization", "sentry") team = env.get("sentry_team", "sentry") base = "{scheme}://{host}:{port}/api/0/".format( scheme='https' if as_bool(env.get("sentry_is_secure", False)) else 'http', port=env.get("sentry_port", "80"), host=env.sentry_host) host = env.public_hostname slug = "_".join(env.public_hostname.lower().split(".")) projects_url = "{base}teams/{organization}/{team}/projects/".format( base=base, organization=organization, team=team) r = requests.get(projects_url, headers=headers) assert r, "Could not access sentry" project_slugs = [p['slug'] for p in r.json()] if slug not in project_slugs: r =, headers=headers, json={ "name": env.public_hostname, "slug": slug}) assert r key_url = "{base}projects/{organization}/{slug}/keys/".format( base=base, organization=organization, slug=slug) r = requests.get(key_url, headers=headers) assert r keys = r.json() assert len(keys), "No key defined?" default = [k for k in keys if k["label"] == "Default"] if default: key = default[0] else: key = keys[0] # This should ideally go in the .rc file, but fab should not write rc files. # putting it in the local random file for now. parser = RawConfigParser() parser.optionxform = str if os.path.exists(env.random_file): parser.set(DEFAULT_SECTION, "sentry_key", key["public"]) parser.set(DEFAULT_SECTION, "sentry_secret", key["secret"]) parser.set(DEFAULT_SECTION, "sentry_id", key["projectId"]) with open(env.random_file, 'w') as f: parser.write(f) def check_if_database_exists(): with settings(warn_only=True): checkDatabase = venvcmd('idealoom-pypsql -1 -u {user} -p {password} -n {host} "{command}"'.format( command="SELECT 1 FROM pg_database WHERE datname='%s'" % (env.db_database), password=env.db_password, host=env.db_host, user=env.db_user)) return not checkDatabase.failed def check_if_db_tables_exist(): with settings(warn_only=True): checkDatabase = venvcmd('idealoom-pypsql -1 -u {user} -p {password} -n {host} -d {database} "{command}"'.format( command="SELECT count(*) from permission", database=env.db_database, password=env.db_password, host=env.db_host, user=env.db_user)) return not checkDatabase.failed def check_if_first_user_exists(): with settings(warn_only=True): checkDatabase = venvcmd('idealoom-pypsql -1 -u {user} -p {password} -n {host} -d {database} "{command}"'.format( command="SELECT count(*) from public.user", database=env.db_database, password=env.db_password, host=env.db_host, user=env.db_user)) return not checkDatabase.failed and int(checkDatabase.strip('()L,')) > 0 @task def database_create(): """Create the database for this idealoom instance""" execute(check_and_create_database_user) if not check_if_database_exists(): print(yellow("Cannot connect to database, trying to create")) createDatabase = venvcmd('idealoom-pypsql --autocommit -u {user} -p {password} -n {host}' ' "CREATE DATABASE {database} WITH OWNER = {user} TEMPLATE = template0 ENCODING = UNICODE"'.format( user=env.db_user, password=env.db_password, host=env.db_host, database=env.db_database)) if createDatabase.succeeded: print(green("Database created successfully!")) # checkExtensions = run_db_superuser_command( # "CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm", database=env.db_database) else: print(green("Database exists and user can connect")) @task def rotate_database_dumps(dry_run=False): """Rotate database backups for real""" try: from executor.contexts import LocalContext, RemoteContext, ExternalCommand from rotate_backups import RotateBackups, Location import rotate_backups import coloredlogs except ImportError: print(red("This fab command should be run within the venv.")) return rotate_backups.TIMESTAMP_PATTERN = re.compile( r'(?P<year>\d{4})(?P<month>\d{2})(?P<day>\d{2})') coloredlogs.increase_verbosity() rotation_scheme = { # same as doc/borg_backup_script/ 'daily':7, 'weekly':4, 'monthly':6, # Plus yearly for good conscience 'yearly': 'always' } dir = env.dbdumps_dir if env.host_string == 'localhost': ctx = LocalContext() dir = os.path.realpath(dir) else: ctx = RemoteContext(ssh_alias=env.host_string, ssh_user=env.user) location = Location(context=ctx, directory=dir) backup = RotateBackups(rotation_scheme, include_list=['db_*.sql.pgdump', 'db_*.bp'], dry_run=dry_run) backup.rotate_backups(location, False) @task def rotate_database_dumps_dry_run(): """Rotate database backups dry run""" rotate_database_dumps(True) @task def database_dump(): """ Dumps the database on remote site """ if not exists(env.dbdumps_dir): run('mkdir -m700 %s' % env.dbdumps_dir) filename = 'db_%s.sql' % strftime('%Y%m%d') compressed_filename = '%s.pgdump' % filename absolute_path = os.path.join(env.dbdumps_dir, compressed_filename) # Dump with prefix(venv_prefix()), cd(env.projectpath): run('PGPASSWORD=%s pg_dump --host=%s -U%s --format=custom -b %s > %s' % ( env.db_password, env.db_host, env.db_user, env.db_database, absolute_path)) # Make symlink to latest with cd(env.dbdumps_dir): run('ln -sf %s %s' % (absolute_path, remote_db_path())) # TODO: Maybe do a rotation? def get_upload_dir(path=None): path = path or env.get('upload_root', 'var/uploads') if path != '/': path = join(env.projectpath, path) return path @task def database_download(): """ Dumps and downloads the database from the target server """ destination = join('./', get_db_dump_name()) if is_link(destination): print('Clearing symlink at %s to make way for downloaded file' % (destination)) local('rm %s' % (destination)) execute(database_dump) get(remote_db_path(), destination) remote_path = get_upload_dir() rsync_path = "%s@%s:%s" % (env.user, env.host_string, remote_path) local_venv = env.get("local_venv", "./venv") with settings(host_string="localhost", venvpath=local_venv, user=getuser(), projectpath=os.getcwd()): # TODO: I should check the local upload_path. But in practice # it's a developer's machine, probably uses standard. local_path = get_upload_dir('var/uploads') run("rsync -a %s/ %s" % (rsync_path, local_path)) @task def database_upload(): """ Uploads a local database backup to the target environment's server """ if(env.wsginame != 'dev.wsgi'): put(get_db_dump_name(), remote_db_path()) remote_path = get_upload_dir() rsync_path = "%s@%s:%s/" % (env.user, env.host_string, remote_path) local_venv = env.get("local_venv", "./venv") with settings(host_string="localhost", venvpath=local_venv, user=getuser(), projectpath=os.getcwd()): # TODO: I should check the local upload_path. But in practice # it's a developer's machine, probably uses standard. local_path = get_upload_dir('var/uploads') run("rsync -a %s/ %s" % (local_path, rsync_path)) @task def database_delete(): """ Deletes the database instance """ if(env.is_production_env is True): abort(red("You are not allowed to delete the database of a production " + "environment. If this is a server restore situation, you " + "have to temporarily declare env.is_production_env = False " + "in the environment")) execute(check_and_create_database_user) with settings(warn_only=True), hide('stdout'): checkDatabase = venvcmd('idealoom-pypsql -1 -u {user} -p {password} -n {host} "{command}"'.format( command="SELECT 1 FROM pg_database WHERE datname='%s'" % (env.db_database), password=env.db_password, host=env.db_host, user=env.db_user)) if not checkDatabase.failed: print(yellow("Cannot connect to database, trying to create")) deleteDatabase = run('PGPASSWORD=%s dropdb --host=%s --username=%s %s' % ( env.db_password, env.db_host, env.db_user, env.db_database)) if deleteDatabase.succeeded: print(green("Database deleted successfully!")) else: print(green("Database does not exist")) @task def postgres_user_detach(): """Terminate the PID processes owned by the assembl user""" process_list = run('psql -U %s -h %s -d %s -c "SELECT pid FROM pg_stat_activity where pid <> pg_backend_pid()" ' % ( env.db_user, env.db_host, env.db_database), warn_only=True) numexp = re.compile(r'\d+') pids = [pid for pid in process_list.split("\r\n") if numexp.fullmatch(pid.strip())] for pid in pids: run('psql -U %s -h %s -d %s -c "SELECT pg_terminate_backend(%s);"' % ( env.db_user, env.db_host, env.db_database, pid), warn_only=True) @task def database_restore(): """ Restores the database backed up on the remote server """ assert(env.wsginame in ('staging.wsgi', 'dev.wsgi')) processes = filter_autostart_processes([ "dev:pserve" "celery_imap", "changes_router", "celery_notify", "celery_notification_dispatch", "source_reader"]) if(env.wsginame != 'dev.wsgi'): execute(webservers_stop) processes.append("prod:uwsgi") # possibly not autostarted for process in processes: circus_process_stop(process) # Kill postgres processes in order to be able to drop tables execute(postgres_user_detach) # Drop db with settings(warn_only=True): dropped = run('PGPASSWORD=%s dropdb --host=%s --username=%s --no-password %s' % ( env.db_password, env.db_host, env.db_user, env.db_database)) assert dropped.succeeded or "does not exist" in dropped, \ "Could not drop the database" # Create db execute(database_create) # Restore data with prefix(venv_prefix()), cd(env.projectpath): run('PGPASSWORD=%s pg_restore --no-owner --role=%s --host=%s --dbname=%s -U%s --schema=public %s' % ( env.db_password, env.db_user, env.db_host, env.db_database, env.db_user, remote_db_path()) ) for process in processes: circus_process_start(process) if(env.wsginame != 'dev.wsgi'): execute(webservers_start) def get_config(): if env.get('config', None): return env.config ini_file = join(env.projectpath, env.ini_file) if not exists(ini_file): return config_s = StringIO() get(ini_file, config_s) config = ConfigParser() config.readfp(config_s) env.config = config return config def setup_var_directory(): run('mkdir -p %s' % normpath(join(env.projectpath, 'var', 'log'))) run('mkdir -p %s' % normpath(join(env.projectpath, 'var', 'run'))) run('mkdir -p %s' % normpath(join(env.projectpath, 'var', 'db'))) run('mkdir -p %s' % get_upload_dir()) def get_circusd_conf(): return join(env.projectpath, "circusd.conf") @task def flushmemcache(): """ Resetting all data in memcached """ if env.uses_memcache: print(cyan('Resetting all data in memcached :')) wait_str = "" if env.mac else "-q 2" run('echo "flush_all" | nc %s 11211' % wait_str) def as_rc(ini_filename): cp = SafeConfigParser() r = {} for section in cp.sections(): for k, v in cp.items(section): if k[0] in ("_*"): k = k[1:] elif section not in ('app:idealoom', DEFAULT_SECTION): k = "__".join((section, k)) r[k] = v return r @task def docker_compose(): "Create configuration files needed by docker_compose" from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader assert env.docker_idealoom_hosts, "Define docker_idealoom_hosts" if not os.path.exists("./docker/build"): os.mkdir("./docker/build") else: pass # TODO: Delete contents if not isinstance(env.docker_idealoom_hosts, list): env.docker_idealoom_hosts = env.docker_idealoom_hosts.split() jenv = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader('./docker'), autoescape=lambda t: False) rc_template = jenv.get_template('idealoom_subprocess.rc.jinja2') compose_template = jenv.get_template('docker-compose.yml.jinja2') compose_stage1_template = jenv.get_template('docker-compose-stage1.yml.jinja2') # Get local random information to give to docker local_venv = env.get("local_venv", "./venv") assert os.path.exists(local_venv + "/bin/python2"),\ "No usable local venv" if os.path.exists(env.random_file): env.update(as_rc(env.random_file)) for i, hostname in enumerate(env.docker_idealoom_hosts): rc_filename = './docker/build/idealoom%d.rc' % (i + 1,) nginx_filename = './docker/build/nginx_%s.conf' % (hostname,) with open(rc_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(rc_template.render( public_hostname_=hostname, idealoom_index=i + 1, **env)) with settings(host_string="localhost", venvpath=local_venv, user=getuser(), projectpath=os.getcwd()): venvcmd("idealoom-ini-files template -o %s %s nginx_default.jinja2" % ( nginx_filename, rc_filename)) with open('./docker/build/docker-compose.yml', 'w') as f: f.write(compose_template.render(**env)) with open('./docker/build/docker-compose-stage1.yml', 'w') as f: f.write(compose_stage1_template.render(**env)) # run("docker-compose -f docker/build/docker-compose.yml up") @task def docker_startup(): """Startup assembl from within a docker environment. Verify if your database environment exists, and create it otherwise.""" if as_bool(getenv("BUILDING_DOCKER", True)): return execute(create_sentry_project) if not exists(env.ini_file): execute(create_local_ini) if not exists("circusd.conf"): venvcmd('python -massembl.scripts.ini_files populate %s' % (env.ini_file)) # Copy the static file. This needs improvements. copied = False if not exists("/opt/idealoom_static/static"): run("cp -rp %s/assembl/static /opt/idealoom_static/" % env.projectpath) copied = True if copied: run("chmod -R a+r /opt/idealoom_static") run("find /opt/idealoom_static -type d | xargs chmod a+x") execute(check_and_create_database_user) if not check_if_database_exists(): execute(app_db_install) elif not check_if_db_tables_exist(): # DB exists, maybe separate the boostrap test execute(app_db_install) else: execute(app_db_update) if not check_if_first_user_exists(): execute(create_first_admin_user) venvcmd("circusd circusd.conf") @task def create_first_admin_user(): email = env.get("first_admin_email", None) assert email, "Please set the first_admin_email in the .rc environment" venvcmd("idealoom-add-user -m %s -u admin -n Admin -p admin --bypass-password %s" % ( email, env.ini_file))
[docs]def install_yarn(local=True): """Install yarn""" if local: node_modules = get_node_modules_path() if not exists(join(node_modules, '.bin', 'yarn')): # Start fresh if installing local yarn run('rm -rf '+node_modules) with cd(get_node_base_path()): venvcmd('npm install --no-save yarn', chdir=False) elif not env.mac: if not exists('/etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list'): sudo('echo "deb stable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list') sudo('curl -sS | apt-key add -') sudo('apt-get update') sudo('apt-get install yarn') else: run('brew install yarn')
@task def install_database(): """ Install a postgresql DB server """ print(cyan('Installing Postgresql')) if env.mac: run('brew install postgresql') run('brew tap homebrew/services') run('brew services start postgres') else: sudo('apt-get install -y postgresql') if exists('/etc/init.d/postgresql'): sudo('/etc/init.d/postgresql start') else: print(red("Make sure that postgres is running")) @task def install_nginx(): sudo("apt-get install -y nginx uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python3") def install_php(): if env.mac: run("brew tap homebrew/php") run("brew install php56 --with-apache --with-homebrew-curl") run("brew install php56-imagick") # No php-gd in homebrew else: sudo("apt-get -y install php php-mysql php-curl php-cli php-gd") def install_mysql(): if env.mac: run("brew install mysql") print(red("Set your root password with mysql_secure_installation")) print("See") else: # Check the env variable for all of the values required for mysql installation sudo("debconf-set-selections <<< 'mysql-server mysql-server/root_password password {password}".format( password=env.mysql_password)) sudo("debconf-set-selections <<< 'mysql-server mysql-server/root_password_again password {password}".format( password=env.mysql_password)) sudo("apt-get -y install mysql-server") def install_apache(): if env.mac: # TODO # APACHE already comes pre-installed on Mac OS X El Capitan # Read more here: # run("brew tap homebrew/apache") run("brew install httpd24") else: sudo("apt-get install apache2") @task def install_lamp(): """ Installs Apache2, Mysql and PHP on a Linux Environment """ execute(install_mysql) execute(install_apache) execute(install_php) @task def uninstall_lamp(): """ Installs Apache2, Mysql and PHP on a Linux Environment, for dev purposes """ if env.mac: run("brew uninstall php56-imagick php56 homebrew/apache/httpd24 mysql") else: sudo("apt-get purge apache2 mysql-server php-mysql php-curl php-cli php-gd") sudo("apt-get autoremove") # Remove dangling dependencies after purging @task def install_piwik(): """ Install the entire Piwik stack on Linux systems *ONLY* """ if env.mac: print(red("We have not setup piwik on the mac.")) return execute(install_lamp()) print(cyan("About to install Piwik")) print(cyan("About to configure DNS")) @task def uninstall_piwik(): """ Remove all dependencies and configurations related to Piwik on Linux """ if env.mac: print(red("This task cannot be run on a Macintosh, you fool!")) else: execute(uninstall_lamp()) @task def install_postfix(): """Install postfx for SMTP.""" assert not env.mac # take mail host from external_smtp_host = env.smtp_host if is_local(env.external_smtp_host): external_smtp_host = None sudo("debconf-set-selections <<< 'postfix postfix/mailname string %s'" % (env.host_string,)) if external_smtp_host: sudo("debconf-set-selections <<< 'postfix postfix/main_mailer_type string \"Internet with smarthost\"'") sudo("debconf-set-selections <<< 'postfix postfix/relayhost string %s'" % (external_smtp_host,)) else: sudo("debconf-set-selections <<< 'postfix postfix/main_mailer_type string \"Internet site\"'") sudo("DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install postfix") @task def install_dovecot_vmm(): """Install dovecot and vmm for IMAP. Assumes postfix is installed. Configuration TODO.""" assert not env.mac execute(install_postfix) sudo("apt-get -y install dovecot-core dovecot-imapd dovecot-lmtpd" " dovecot-pgsql vmm postfix postfix-pgsql python3-egenix-mxdatetime" " python3-crypto libsasl2-modules libsasl2-modules-db sasl2-bin") @task def update_vendor_themes(): """Update optional themes in assembl/static/css/themes/vendor""" theme_varname = "theme_repositories__git-urls" if env.get(theme_varname, None): urls = [] urls_string = env.get(theme_varname) if urls_string: urls = urls_string.split(',') vendor_themes_path = normpath(join( env.projectpath, "assembl/static/css/themes/vendor")) print(vendor_themes_path) with settings(warn_only=True), cd(env.projectpath): # We do not use env.gitbranch, because in env_deb it may not match the real current branch current_assembl_branch_name = run('git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD').split('\n')[0] for git_url in urls: print(green("Updating %s" % git_url)) matchobj = re.match(r'.*/([^\.]+)(\.git)?', git_url) git_dir_name = git_dir_path = normpath(join(vendor_themes_path, git_dir_name)) if is_dir(git_dir_path) is False: print(cyan("Cloning git repository")) with cd(vendor_themes_path): run('git clone %s' % git_url) with cd(git_dir_path): current_vendor_themes_branch_name = run('git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD').split('\n')[0] if current_vendor_themes_branch_name != current_assembl_branch_name: print(yellow("Vendor theme branch %s does not match current assembl branch %s" % (current_vendor_themes_branch_name, current_assembl_branch_name))) if current_assembl_branch_name in ('develop', 'master'): run('git fetch --all') print(yellow("Changing branch to %s" % current_assembl_branch_name)) run('git checkout %s' % current_assembl_branch_name) else: print(red("Branch %s not known to fabfile. Leaving theme branch on %s" % (current_assembl_branch_name, current_vendor_themes_branch_name))) run('git pull --ff-only') def system_db_user(): if env.postgres_db_user: return env.postgres_db_user if env.mac: # Brew uses user return getuser() return "postgres" # linux postgres def run_db_command(command, user=None, *args, **kwargs): if user: # Unix with local postgres installation and local postgres user # we will sudo -u postgres to do the pypsql command return sudo(command, *args, user=user, **kwargs) else: # Either we have a postgres superuser we can login as, # Or we're postgres owner with brew. return run(command, *args, **kwargs) @task def build_doc(): """Build the Sphinx documentation""" with cd(env.projectpath): run('rm -rf doc/autodoc doc/jsdoc') venvcmd(get_node_bin_path() + '/jsdoc -t '+get_node_modules_path()+'/jsdoc-rst-template/template/ --recurse assembl/static/js/app -d ./doc/jsdoc/') venvcmd('env SPHINX_APIDOC_OPTIONS="members,show-inheritance" sphinx-apidoc -e -f -o doc/autodoc assembl') venvcmd('python assembl/scripts/ %s -o doc/er_diagram' % (env.ini_file)) venvcmd('sphinx-build doc assembl/static/techdocs') @task def set_fail2ban_configurations(): """Utilize configurations to populate and push fail2ban configs, must be done as a sudo user""" if exists('/etc/fail2ban'): from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader # This is done locally template_folder = os.path.join(local_code_root, 'assembl', 'templates', 'system') jenv = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader(template_folder), autoescape=lambda t: False) filters = [f for f in os.listdir(template_folder) if f.startswith('filter-')] filters.append('jail.local.jinja2') filters_to_file = {} for f in filters: with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f2: filters_to_file[f] = try: # populate jail and/or filters print("Generating template files") for (template_name, temp_path) in filters_to_file.items(): with open(temp_path, 'w') as f: filter_template = jenv.get_template(template_name) f.write(filter_template.render(**env)) final_name = template_name[:-7] # remove .jinja2 extension final_path = '/etc/fail2ban/' if final_name.startswith('filter-'): final_name = final_name[7:] # Remove filter- final_name += '.conf' # add extension final_path += 'filter.d/' final_path = join(final_path, final_name) put(temp_path, final_path) finally: for path in filters_to_file.values(): os.unlink(path)