documents ========= Represents a file or document (a remote url or a blob) .. currentmodule:: app.models .. js:class:: DocumentCollection () Documents collection :extends: :js:class:`app.models.base.BaseCollection` .. js:class:: DocumentModel () Document model Frontend model for :py:class:`assembl.models.attachment.Document` :extends: :js:class:`app.models.base.BaseModel` .. js:attribute:: app.models.documents.DocumentModel.urlRoot :type: string .. js:function:: isFileType() Checks if document type is a file :rtype: Boolean .. js:class:: FileModel () File model Frontend model for :py:class:`assembl.models.attachment.Document` :extends: :js:class:`app.models.documents.DocumentModel` .. js:function:: isImageType() Returns a mime type :rtype: String .. js:function:: save() Save the model into database This model takes a fileAttribute of raw_data, which the backend will consume using a Multipart form header. In order to make the push a multi-part form header, must pass the option formData. :rtype: jqXHR