IdeaLoom Configuration files ============================ Rationale and history --------------------- IdeaLoom is composed of many components, most of which rely on ``.ini`` files. But setting up those components is done using Fabric, which natively relies on ``.rc`` files, which are a simplified ``.ini`` format with a single section and no multiline values. This system is used both for generic setup information, and to set instance-specific variables, so we want to use information layers, so we can change a common variable globally, in the most generic layers, and set specific variables in specific layers. The overlay of all these layers would yield the equivalent output as a single ``.ini`` file. Because fabric is the root process, we decided that all information would be set in ``.rc`` files, and the ``local.ini`` file would be generated from those files; but we added a layering mechanism to ``.rc`` files, so each file could be said to ``_extend`` another ``.rc`` file. But because the ``.rc`` file format is so simplistic, we also layer ``.ini`` files, in a stack that can be specified in the ``.rc`` files. Earlier, the would itself contain instance-specific information (as environments) and read some more instance-specific information from the ``local.ini`` file itself. This meant there were multiple sources of truth, and consistency of ``local.ini`` files had to be maintained by hand, with uneven results. Now, the ``.rc`` files will be the single source of truth and all ``.ini`` files, including the ``local.ini`` will be generated from them. The migration from hand-maintained ``local.ini`` files to generated ``local.ini`` files will be explained further in `Migrating to RC files`_. The name of the ``local.ini`` file itself is given in the ``.rc`` variable ``ini_file``. This allows a development machine to store its testing configuration in ``testing.ini`` without destroying the local ``local.ini`` file. The enriched .rc file format ---------------------------- ``.rc`` file, in the ``assembl/configs`` directory, are a series of ``key=value`` pairs, with some keys having special meaning for fabric only. The ``_extends`` key, if present, gives the relative path of another ``.rc`` file, whose values will be injected in the fabfile's ``env``, unless overridden by the current ``.rc`` file; this is done in :py:func:`fabfile.combine_rc`, called through the ``@task`` decorator. It looks for files first in the same directory as the calling ``.rc`` file, second in the ``assembl/config`` directory. The keys are further filtered so ``*`` and ``_`` prefixes are eliminated from keys, and so are values of ``__delete_key__``. So, for example, if we have the following two files: .. code:: ini # assembl/configs/instance.rc _extends = base_env.rc _user = idealoom *db_user = idealoom_user hosts = *db_password = __delete_key__ _projectpath = /home/idealoom_user/idealoom # assembl/configs/base_env.rc ini_file = local.ini ini_files = production.ini RANDOM:random.ini.tmpl RC_DATA random_file = random.ini hosts = localhost *db_user = idealoom *db_password = idealoom circus__autostart_changes_router = true And fabric is called with ``fab -c assembl/configs/instance.rc``, then its ``env`` would contain the following: .. code:: py { "user": "idealoom", "db_user": "idealoom_user", "hosts": "", "projectpath": "/home/idealoom_user/idealoom", "ini_file": "local.ini", "random_file": "random.ini", "ini_files": "production.ini RANDOM:random.ini.tmpl RC_DATA", "circus__autostart_changes_router": "true", } The same dictionary composition method is used to compose the ``local.ini`` file, in :py:func:`assembl.scripts.ini_files.compose`. The basis is the ``ini_files`` variable: each ``.ini`` file mentioned is combined in turn, with values overriding the previous one in the sequence, and the resulting combination file is written out to ``local.ini`` in the ``create_local_ini`` fab task. Relative files paths are looked for in this order: first relative to the current directory, second relative to the calling rc file directory, third in ``assembl/config``. There are two magic values that can be used in the ``ini_files`` list: ``RANDOM:...`` and ``RC_DATA``. Those are mostly useful when creating the ``local.ini`` file used by pyramid. ``RC_DATA`` corresponds to the data from the `.rc` files itself. Key-value pairs will be in the ``app:idealoom`` section by default. A key-value pair can be assigned to any section if the key follows the ``section_name__key_name`` format. If the key was preceded by a ``_``, it is not injected in the ``.ini`` file at all (they are fabric-only values). Similarly, if the value is ``__delete_key__``, it is not injected in the ``.ini`` file (This can allow to mask a value from an inherited ``.rc`` file, and use the value from the ``.ini`` file that precedes the ``RC_DATA`` step in the ``ini_files`` chain). If the key was preceded by a ``*``, it goes in the ``DEFAULT`` section, and its value is available in all sections. This is useful for cross-section variable interpolation, as described in :py:mod:`ConfigParser`. ``RANDOM:...`` will use data from the ``random_file`` (usually ``random.ini``), but will first ensure that it is populated with random values generated with the ``idealoom-ini-files random ...rc`` subcommand. (The fab commands involving random files will fetch and push the remote ``random.ini``, but the ini_files utility is not aware of this.) If it does not exist, that subcommand will first generate the ``random_file`` file by combining the template files mentioned after ``RANDOM:`` (template files are found either relative to current directory, or to ``assembl/template/system``. Multiple templates are separated by further ``:``). If a value is already set, it is preserved, but missing (new) values will still be added. The codes for random generation are the following: ``{random66}``, for example, will create a random string of length (4/3)66 (rounded up). ``{saml_key}`` will create a X509 key (without its armour) and ``{saml_crt}`` will create a self-signed certificate using data from ``saml_...`` keys and the ``public_hostname``. Those have to be set in keys following the ``XXX_PRIVATE_KEY`` and ``XXX_PUBLIC_CERT`` pattern respectively. Key .rc and .ini Files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Below are a list of key ``rc files`` and what their intended purposes are. You are welcome to create more ``rc files`` or change the existing structure. Just ensure you update the ``_extends`` chain along the way. Below is a typical setup. base_env.rc These are the base variables with some documentation; builds on ``production.ini``. This should be a good base for a production environment. develop.rc (<- ``base_env.rc``) This adds the layer ``develop_overlay.ini``, and many development-specific settings. In some cases, it's about masking production values. mac.rc (<- ``develop.rc``) Settings specific to macs (and homebrew.) docker.rc (<- ``base_env.rc``) This is a basis for the docker install. See :doc:`docker` mycompany.rc (<- ``base_env.rc``) Create such a file to add company-specific information, such as saml contacts, piwik and sentry servers, etc. myserver.rc (<- ``mycompany.rc``) server-specific information: ``public_hostname``, raven keys, social login keys, etc. production.ini Most variables should be defined at that layer. Suitable base for a production environment develop_overlay.ini A layer for production variables (It is somewhat arbitrary what goes here vs ``develop.rc``.) random.ini.tmpl Variables that need to be initialized with random salt at server creation. saml_random.ini.tmpl More random variables, specific to saml authentication. docker_random.ini More random variables, specific to docker installation. Specific .rc File Keys ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Many keys are defined and documented in the ``production.ini`` file, we focus here on keys that fabric expects to find. _hosts: The host name(s) to which this ``.rc`` file applies. public_hostname: The host name of the idealoom server, as it will be exposed. Will often correspond to ``hosts`` after setup, but maybe not initially. _user: The user that will be used to run remote fab commands (current user if undefined.) ini_files: The sequence of .ini files used for ``local.ini`` construction, as described above. random_file: The file where random values will be stored (project-relative.) _projectpath: The directory path to the idealoom installation _venvpath: The directory path to the python virtualenv used by the idealoom installation, usually ``/venv`` _dbdumps_dir: The directory path to the database backup directory, usually ``/idealoom_dumps`` _ini_file: The name of the ``local.ini`` file used by pyramid. Always ``local.ini`` except for testing. saml_country: The country of your organization, exposed in the saml key. saml_state: The state of your organization, exposed in the saml key. saml_locality: The locality of your organization, exposed in the saml key. saml_org: The name of your organization, exposed in the saml key. saml_email: The contact email of your organization, exposed in the saml key. piwik_host: The host of your piwik installation, if any. \*db_host:\ The host of your postgres database \*db_database:\ The postgres database used \*db_user:\ The postgres user for connection to the database \*db_password:\ The password of that postgres user \*sentry_host:\ The host of your Sentry installation, if any. theme_repositories__git-urls: Themes for version 1 of IdeaLoom's frontend. Comma separated list of git repositories URLs, typically ```` . You will have to create a read-only git user, and put its public key on each server where those themes is deployed. uwsgi__uid: The UID of the uwsgi user. login_providers: The active social login providers (see python-social-auth) _gitbranch: the git branch active on this server. _is_production_env: self-explanatory. _postgres_db_user: The main postgres user, if we need to create our own database/user. _sentry_db_host: The name of the sentry host _uses_apache: Legacy. _uses_ngnix: True in production, usually false in development. _uses_memcache: True. _wsginame: Legacy. Allows to distinguish production/development/staging in some fab operations. \*sentry_id:\ The identifier of the sentry project of this server \*sentry_key:\ The public key of the sentry project of this server \*sentry_secret:\ The private key of the sentry project of this server \*sentry_host:\ The hostname of the sentry server \*sentry_scheme:\ The scheme of the sentry server (http or https) \*sentry_port:\ The port of the sentry server package_install: true if installing from wheels (to be continued) .. _`Migrating to RC files`: Migrating to the new configuration system ----------------------------------------- If you have a hand-written ``local.ini`` on a server, and you want to make sure that you do not lose information when generating a new one, here is how to proceed: 1. If the local.ini file is on a remote server, create a skeleton ``myinstance.rc`` file with at least the following information: .. code:: ini _extends = base_env.rc _user = idealoom hosts = public_hostname = Note that you can extend another ``.rc`` file, with more specific information, such as company information in _saml keys. If upgrading a local development environment, you would probably name your file ``local.rc`` instead of ``myinstance.rc``, and start with a one-line seed file: .. code:: ini _extends = develop.rc (Do not set hosts or _user.) 2. run ``fab -c myinstance.rc migrate_local_ini`` locally. (Or ``develop.rc`` appropriately.) This will create a remote ``random_file`` file with information pulled from the remote ``local.ini`` file, and create a ``myinstance.rc.NNNNNNN`` file (where NNNNNN is a timestamp), containing any value that diverges between your current remote ``local.ini`` file and the one that would be automatically generated using the specifications in ``myinstance.rc``. There will be warnings about multi-line values; they will be made single-line in the generated ``.rc`` file, but that is not always appropriate. In some cases, it is worth creating a new ``.ini`` file for those multi-line values, and add them in the stack in a local ``ini_files`` value in your ``.rc`` file. 3. Some of the lines in the resulting ``.rc.NNNNNNN`` file will reflect historical artefacts in the construction of your ``local.ini`` file; exercice judgement, migrate key-value pairs to your ``myinstance.rc`` file and repeat the migration step until the contents of the migration-generated file are insignificant. Also, many lines will differ that are built with interpolation; for example, ``production.ini`` contains the following line: .. code:: ini sqlalchemy.url = postgresql+psycopg2://%(db_user)s:%(db_password)s@%(db_host)s/%(db_database)s?sslmode=disable Ideally, you would set the values of ``*db_user``, ``*db_password``, ``*db_host``, ``*db_database`` in your ``myinstance.rc`` file until the ``sqlalchemy.url`` key disappears from migration, without overriding the ``sqlalchemy.url`` key itself. A similar process applies to ``sentry_...`` variables.